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ComArtSci faculty and students featured at the 2022 AEJMC conference are italicized. The conference will take place August 2-6, 2022. To view the full program for this year’s conference or for more information, visit the AEJMC website.


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11 a.m. to 6 p.m. / PC000 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication and Association of Schools of Journalism and Mass Communication

  • 2021-22 Jennifer H. McGill Class Fellows (Outgoing): Bruno Takahashi, Michigan State

5 to 6 p.m. / Part IV — Great Ideas for Teaching (GIFT) Presentations (high-density, round-table discussion format)


Wednesday, August 3

8:30 to 10 a.m. / W000 Communication Technology Division High Density Refereed Paper Session

  • Topic I — Media Effects in Advanced Technologies: When AI Is Perceived To Be Fairer Than a Human: Understanding Perceptions of Algorithmic Decision-Making by Hyesun Choung, John Seberger and Prabu David, Michigan State

8:30 to 10 a.m. / W000 Minorities and Communication and Mass Communication and Society Divisions Scholar-to-Scholar (Poster) Refereed Paper Session

Mass Communication and Society Division

  • Topic I — The News, Social Activism and Civic Participation: [EA] Examination of Civic Values and Their Impact on News Use and Community Participation by Weiyue Chen, Butler and Esther Thorson and Shuo Zhan, Michigan State
  • Topic IX — COVID-19, Identity and the Self: Discussant Teresa Mastin, Michigan State

Minorities and Communication Division

  • Topic I — Reporting and Representation of BIPOC: Effects of TV News Anchors’ Race on Anchor and News Evaluation: The Moderating Effect of External and Internal Motivations to Withold Prejudice by Linda White, Michigan State

10:30 a.m. to Noon / W000 Communicating Science, Health, Environment and Risk Division Refereed Paper Session

  • Discussant Carol Terracina-Hartman, Michigan State

12:30 to 2 p.m. / W000 Cultural and Critical Studies Division

  • Moderating/Presiding Perry Parks, Michigan State
  • Theme II: Representations from Retweeting to Reporting: Framing Black Love: A critical analysis of the NYT column Modern Love by Leilane Rodrigues, Michigan State

12:30 to 2 p.m. / W000 Scholastic Journalism Division

  • Panelist Joy Visconti, Michigan State

2:30 to 4 p.m. / W000 Communicating Science, Health, Environment and Risk and Political Communication Divisions Scholar-to-Scholar (Poster) Refereed Paper Session

  • Topic — Trust and Credibility: What Are You Measuring When You Assess “Trust” in Scientists with a Generic Measure? by John Besley and Leigh Ann Tiffany, Michigan State
  • Topic Trust and the Press: Rethinking Bad Press in Politics: Identity-Based Heterogeneity in Media Effects by Sarah Fioroni, Gallup and Dan Hiaeshutter-Rice, Michigan State
  • Topic Political Polarization: Reaching the Rust Belt: Exploring Identity and Intergroup Threat in 2020 Election Speeches by Ava Francesca Battocchio and Marisa Smith, Michigan State

2:30 to 4 p.m. / W000 Internation Communication Division

4:30 to 6 p.m. / W000 Entertainment Studies Interest Group High Density Refereed Paper Session


Thursday, August 4

8:30 to 10 a.m. / T000 Newspaper and Online News and Public Relations Divisions Scholar-to-Scholar (Poster) Refereed Paperr Session

  • Topic I The Personal and Professional Intersections of a Journalist:  [EA] Solutions Journalists’ Performance in Adhering to the Solutions Journalism Network’s News Reporting Rrigors by Serena Miller, Sooyoung Shin and Indri Maulidar, Michigan State and Jennifer Cox, Salisbury

10:30 a.m. to Noon / T000 Public Relations Division High Density Refereed Paper Session

  • Topic — Global, Historical and Organizational Perspectives on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Comparison of China and The United States*** by Chuqing Dong, Michigan State; Qiongyao Huang, Shijun Ni, Bohan Zhang, and Cang Chen, Hong Kong Baptist

***Doug Newsom Award

10:30 a.m. to Noon / T000 Scholastic Journalism Division and Graduate Student Interest Group Teaching Panel Session

  • Panelist Christina L. Myers, Michigan State

10:30 a.m. to Noon / T000 Visual Communication Division Teaching Panel Session

  • Freelance Isn’t Free: Business 101 for Freelance Journalists: Moderating/Presiding Ross Taylor, Colorado at Boulder. Panelists Judy Walgren, Michigan State; Peg Achterman, Seattle Pacific; David Grewe, California State, Northridge; Patrick Ferrucci, Colorado at Boulder; Denise McGill, South Carolina

12:30 to 2 p.m. / T000 Advertising Division

2:30 to 4. p.m. / T000 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Scholar-to-Scholar (Poster) Refereed Paper Session

Advertising Division

  • [EA] Social Media Influencers’ Strategic Communication for Promoting National Image by Heijin Lee, Michigan State
  • Discussant Esther Thorson, Michigan State

Visual Communication Division

  • [EA] Depicting Defeat: Iconic Imagery and Collective Memory in the Visual Comparisons of Kabul and Saigon by Tara (T.J.) Mesyn, Michigan State

[EA] = This submission was accepted as an extended abstract

2:30 to 4. p.m. / T000 Advertising Division PF&R Panel Session

2:30 to 4. p.m. / T000 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Council of Divisions Theory Colloquium Panel Session


  • You’re Gonna Have to Service Somebody by Stephen Lacy, Michigan State
  • Motivations to Pay for Local and National News in the U.S. by Esther Thorson, Michigan State and Weiyue Chen, Butler

2:30 to 4 p.m. / T000 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Elected Standing Committee on Research Award Panel Session


4:30 to 6 p.m. / T000 Broadcast and Mobile Journalism and Cultural and Critical Studies Divisions Research Panel Session

4:30 to 6 p.m. / T000 Minorities and Communication Division High Density Refereed Paper Session

  • Topic II — Promises and Perils in Media Practices: Immigrants and the environment: Acculturation, information sources and place by Bruno Takahashi, Michigan State 

4:30 to 6 p.m.  / T000 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Presidential Panel Session

  • Panelist Tim Vos, Michigan State, past president, AEJMC 2021-22

6:30 to 8:30 p.m. / T000 Advertising and Cultural and Critical Studies Divisions Scholar-to-Scholar (Poster) Refereed Paper Session

Advertising Division 

  • Theme — Challenges to Advertising Effectiveness: Approaches to Anonymous Audience Identity in. Digital Advertising:  A Trade-off Analysis by Che Ma, Communication University of China and Hairong Li, Michigan State
  • Discussant Susan McFarlane-Alvarez,  Michigan State

Cultural and Critical Studies Division

  • Theme II — Inclusive and International Media Approaches: New Dualism: Rethinking the Ontology of Media Systems in African Liberal Democracies by Prosper Senyo, Michigan State
  • Undocumented College Students Oral Histories for the Heart and Heartland by Cristina Calva and Geri Alumit Zeldes, Michigan State

6:30 to 8:30 p.m. / T000 Broadcast and Mobile Journalism Division Social and Awards Reception

  • Edward L. Bliss Award for Distinguished Broadcast Journalism Education: Bob Gould, Michigan State

6:30 to 8:30 p.m. / T000 Communication Technology Division Refereed Paper Session

  • Public Perceptions of AI Governance Through the Lenses of Trust and Ethics* by Prabu David, Hyesun Choung and John Seberger, Michigan State

*First Place Award — Top Faculty Research

6:30 to 8:30 p.m. / T000 Communication Theory and Methodology Division Refereed Paper Session


Friday, August 5

8:30 to 10 a.m. / F000 Graduate Student Interest Group and International Communication Division Scholar-to-Scholar (Poster) Refereed Paper Session

  • A Content Analysis of 2016 Terrorist Attacks in Turkey Reported by the U.S. Newspapers by Sevgi Baykaldi and Manuel Chavez, Michigan State

10:30 to 11:30 a.m. / F000 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication

  • Dorothy Bowles Public Service Award Recipient Joe Grimm, Michigan State

2 to 3:30 p.m. / F000 Communicating Science, Health, Risk and the Environment Division

  • Topic III — Public Engagement with Science:  [EA] Scientists’ Identity Gaps: New Perspectives for Inclusive Science Communication Leilane Rodrigues and Bruno Takahashi, Michigan State; Sunshine Menezes, Rhode Island and Leigh Anne Tiffany, Michigan State
  • U.S.-based Science Communication Fellowship Programs: Form and Function Nichole Bennett, affiliation; Anthony Dudo, Texas at Austin, and John Besley, Michigan State

[EA] = This submission was accepted as an extended abstract

2 to 3:30 p.m. / F000 Communication Theory and Methodology Division

  • Localizing Social Justice Stories: Social Media and Local Civic Information Infrastructure in Six Midwestern United States Communities Ava Francesca Battocchio, Kjerstin Thorson, Dan Hiaeshutter-Rice Friday, August 5, 2022 2022 AEJMC Detroit Conference Program Copy 143 and Marisa Smith, Michigan State, Yingying Chen, South Carolina, Stephanie Edgerly, Northwestern, Kelley Cotter, Pennsylvania State, Katherine Denzin, Hyesun Choung, Chuqing Dong and Moldir Moldagaliyeva, Michigan State, Chris Etheridge, Kansas, Melody Draeger, Sabrina Kohlmeier, and Lydia Werth, Michigan State

2 to 3:30 p.m. / F000 Magazine Media and Visual Communication Divisions

  • PJ & Jam: Jamboard as a Medium for Peer Critique Sessions Tara Mesyn, Michigan State

4 to 5:30 p.m. / F000 Communication Theory and Methodology and Communication Technology Divisions Scholar-to-Scholar (Poster) Refereed Paper Session

Communication and Technology Division

  • Topic II — COVID Communications and The Individual: Problematic Internet Use Amidst a Global Pandemic: The Effects of Actual and Perceived Isolation Vanessa Chan, Zhang Hao Goh, and Edson Tandoc Jr, Nanyang Technological University Discussant Hyesun Choung, Michigan State
  • Topic IV — Relationship Factors: Exploring Parenting Styles’ Potential for Toxic Behavior Perpetration: Evidence from a Survey of Chinese Adolescents Xiaobei Sun, Shandong University; Heng Zhang, and Vivian Hsueh Hua Chen, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Discussant Prabu David, Michigan State
  • Topic VIII – Apps: Mental Health Apps and College Students: A Users’ Privacy Concerns Perspective Shaheen Kanthawala Friday, August 5, 2022 2022 AEJMC Detroit Conference Program Copy 151 and Kaley Martin, Alabama, Victoria Nelson and Bree Holtz, Michigan State and Scott Parrott, Alabama
  • Topic IX —  Trust and Influence: Trust in the Novel?: Exploration of the Effectiveness of Virtual Influencers by Eunjin (Anna) Kim, Southern California; Heather Shoenberger, Pennsylvania State; Esther Thorson,  Michigan State; Zihang E and Donggyu Kim, Southern California

4 to 5:30 p.m. / F000 International Communication Division High Density Refereed Paper Session

  • What Factors Explain the Transformation of Media Systems? Francisco Paulo Jamil Almeida Marques, Federal University of Paraná, Brazil and Tim Vos, Michigan State

4 to 5:30 p.m. / F000 Religion and Media Interest Group and Newspaper and Online News Division

6 to 8 p.m. / F000 Advertising Division

6 to 8 p.m. / F000 History Division

  • “Often it is Disastrous to Take a Single Note”: Memory and Materiality in a Century of Journalism Textbooks** Perry Parks, Michigan State

**Second Place Faculty Paper Award

6 to 8 p.m. / F000 Graduate Student Interest Group

  • Mourning as Collective Actions: Examining How Mourning Frames and Dynamics Materialize on the Chinese “Online Wailing Wall” During Covid-19 Pandemic*** Qi Zheng, Michigan State and Xue Zhang, Renmin University of China

***Third Place Paper (Tie)

6 to 8 p.m. / F000 Religion and Media Interest Group