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Michigan State University offers hundreds of options when it comes to study abroad programs. Many of these programs are betboom teamsponsored by ComArtSci. They allow students to earn credits that count toward their major rather than let their study abroad credits eat up elective opportunities.

This summer, I had the privilege of participating in the International Advertising in Europe program through ComArtSci. The experience consisted of three weeks in Amsterdam, Paris and London, visiting and learning from some of the most acclaimed advertising agencies across Europe. 

In total, we toured 17 agencies and heard from three guest speakers. We also had the opportunity to see the offices of Google and Facebook. All of this made for a busy three weeks, which is why our professor fondly refers to the program as “the business trip.”

One of my favorite visits was to a small creative agency in Amsterdam called Cloud Factory. Not only did I love Cloud Factory’s company culture and environment, but I also loved learning about the work they are producing. One of the most interesting types of advertising Cloud Factory discussed was the brand image that a business puts forth to potential employees. This is a relatively new industry concept and has been dubbed recruitment communications. Cloud Factory has recently developed many recruitment communications campaigns, all focused on garnering new employees for the client. 

Recruitment communications is a style of advertising that I had never heard of before; however, thanks to my study abroad program, I’m now considering it as a potential career path. Each agency brought betboom casino reviewa new industry style and point of view to the table, and I saw first-hand that the industry is rapidly and constantly evolving.

As I head into my senior year at Michigan State, I am grateful for all that the study abroad program gave me. I had the opportunity to learn about my future industry, to network with like-minded professionals and students, to narrow my ideal career path, and to make lasting friendships while exploring new corners of the world. 

Due in large part to this program, I feel better prepared to enter the advertising industry as a young professional come May. Studying abroad through ComArtSci is much more than a chance to travel the world. It can set you up for success in your future career.

By Marlee Talbot