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HRCMA Student Amina Mohamed-Saleh

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Amina: I was working as a Navigator Tech for the Crime Victim Compensation program under the Division of Victim Services at the State of MI. And prior to that my grant funded position of Immunization - Outreach Coordinator had ended with the Division of Immunization at the state. I went to MSU for undergrad and majored in Women & Gender Studies (concentration in Public Policy and Health) and minored in Epidemiology- Global & Public Health. My work history included advocacy and community health worker roles in various nonprofits.

Q: Why did you pick the HRC MA program?

Amina: I liked the combination of communication and health courses really intrigued me. Then I saw the research and work that was being done by the Professor’s and it was everything I was looking for.

Q: What is your favorite thing about the HRC MA program?

Amina: I have really enjoyed the flexibility of the program. There is no single path you can take - you really can take this degree and make it your own. Secondly, this program has the most supportive staff and instructors. I’ve enjoyed every course because they enjoy what they do. Lastly, I am enjoying my courses being in-person and being on our beautiful campus.

Q: What has been your favorite class and why?

Amina: I really enjoyed my ADV845 course, it was such a wholesome course, from the readings to the guest lecturers who really dove into their work. Secondly, I enjoyed my CAS 892- Risk Communication course because it challenged me to think outside the box and dive deeper into what risk communication entails.

Q: What have you done since joining the program?

Amina: Based off the first few courses, I took in this program it’s pushed me to pursue other avenues of communications. One area of interest I have is social media, and the impact it has on individuals' behavior changes. This program pushed me to pursue a Social Media Marketing certification and helped me expand on that further.

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