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HRCMA Alumna Julia

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I did not take a gap year between undergrad and grad school. I have always had a passion for healthcare, so I went into the program with an open mind. Fast forward, I ended up at a national research and consulting firm in the healthcare industry. I cross paths betboom dachawith extremely intelligent individuals that I get to learn from every single day. I am very happy with where I ended up, it is great experience as I begin my career and attribute a large part of this success to the program.

Q: Why did you pick the HRCMA program?

I went into undergrad at MSU as premed. My junior year I switched my major to advertising thinking I wanted to get my MBA after graduation. I missed science (crazy, I know) and all things surrounding the medical field. Since I was already in the College of Communication Arts & Sciences I pulled up the website and looked at the MA programs. The HRCMA program stood out to me, I felt like it was the perfect merger for my undergrad background(s). I was greeted with an amazing advisor and an incredible group of helpful individuals during this process.

Q: What is the most valuable thing you have learned from the program?

I don't think I can pick one single thing. The program was very versatile, and a lot of it was new to me. My first semester I took a Communication Theory class and I was able to gain a vast understanding on how individuals work, while also being able to connect multiple theory's to my interests. Every single course I took during my time in the HRCMA program was beneficial to me. I feel well versed in health communication, giving me the confidence to share my knowledge with others. 

Q: How has the program helped you?

For starters, the name itself helped me during the interview process. Recruiters were interested to learn more about the program, most had never heard of such a degree. This allowed me to highlight the variability in my coursework and how I could betboom casino reviewapply what I learned to certain job roles. Given my premed background I was not used to learning things through a social science lens. Yet, that lens is something I will forever be grateful I was able to learn through. 

Q: What advice would you like to give incoming and current HRCMA students?

Get involved! I created so many amazing relationships through the program, both personally and professionally. Do not underestimate yourself, grad school can be a huge adjustment so remind yourself you are meant to be there. Make sure you listen to your peers and colleagues, every single person that I crossed paths with taught me something in a different point of view than I would have ever looked at it in.

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