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Recent ComArtSci graduate Sienna Mohl is translating last summer’s internship experience into a full-time betboom sports bettingjob opportunity. Mohl, who graduated in December with a B.A. in Communications and a minor in Sales Leadership, spent last summer as a sales and guide intern for Bus2alps, a European travel company.

Mohl learned about Bus2alps when she studied abroad in 2017 in Rome, Italy, where she and many of her study abroad peers used the Made in Italy program to travel throughout Europe on their free weekends. As she utilized the company’s services and learned more about what they did, she saw herself fitting well into an intern role there.

The following summer, Mohl returned to Rome to serve as a full-time intern for the European travel company. She was trusted with great responsibility during her time there, from sales pitches to actually guiding tours herself. When selling the trips, Mohl was responsible for meeting with study abroad students to help them with booking, as well as attending promotional events throughout the city. Having previously experienced Bus2alps as a customer, Mohl then had the opportunity to work behind the scenes to plan the trip, doing everything from scheduling, booking travel and accommodations for students, to communicating with partners throughout the organization.

“I absolutely loved my time being an intern and am so grateful for the invaluable life experience and knowledge I gained from it,” Mohl said.

She was surprised at the amount of effort that it took to make these trips to run smoothly for all of the students, but she found the experience incredibly rewarding.

While it was hard to nail down one favorite betboom casino reviewexperience from her internship, Mohl will never forget how it felt to watch students see the destination of their dreams for the first time. Although she had those same feelings the previous summer on her own study abroad, it was entirely new to be able to help other students feel that same way.

“Experiences like that are what life is all about,” Mohl said, “and I feel really blessed to have been a part of bringing that to them.”

Mohl received a full-time offer from Bus2alps following her internship, but decided to pursue other dreams instead. She has since taken her MSU degree out to California, where she is interviewing for an exciting job opportunity in Los Angeles.