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In late May, faculty and staff of MSU’s College of Communication Arts and Sciences will travel to Toronto, Canada to discuss their research at the 73rd Annual International Communication Association Conference.

The conference theme this year is Reclaiming Authenticity in Communication. Research contributions from ComArts faculty examine how "authenticity has become a variable, rather than a constant, in public discourses and popular culture across the globe, and with what relational, social, political, and cultural implications."

The ICA Conference will take place May 25–29, 2023 in a hybrid capacity with sessions taking place virtually as well as in person. The in-person portion of the conference will be at the Sheraton Centre Hotel in Toronto.

Thursday, May 25 | Friday, May 26 | Saturday, May 27 | Sunday, May 28 | Monday, May 29 | Tuesday, May 30 | Wednesday, May 31

ComArtSci presenters are italicized.

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  • Ph.D. Mentoring Workshop, Environmental Communication Division
    Nadine Strauss; Marijn H. Meijers; Silje Kristiansen; Hanna E. Morris; Apoorva Joshi
  • Journalism and the Immediate Causal Explanation of Unpredictable Events
    Enrique Nunez-Mussa
  • The Ethics of Public Diplomacy Theory and Practice
    Heijin Lee
  • New Frontiers in Global Digital Inequalities Research: The Global Digital Technology Space and Its Relations to Digital Inequalities
    Fabian Braesemann, Alexandra Rottenkolber, Ole Teutloff, and Johannes M. Bauer

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Friday, May 26, 2023

  • BLUE SKY SECAC SKILLS WORKSHOP: De-Mystifying Peer Review Process in Scholarly Publications: How to Become Reviewer 1 and How to Face Reviewer 2?
    Taiquan Peng; Miriam Brinberg; Kaiping Chen; David Ewoldsen; Kokil Jaidka; Jörg Matthes; Cuihua Shen; Jonathan Zhu
  • BLUE SKY BIG IDEAS SESSION: Media Entertainment as an Authentic Field of Study: 21st Century Answers to Age-Old Questions
    Nicholas Bowman; Sophie Janicke-Bowles; Mark Boukes; Ryan Lange; Douglas Schules; Philippe Chauveau; Haley Hatfield; Nancy Jennings; Lindsay Grace; Charisse Corsbie-Massay; David Ewoldsen; Nancy Rhodes; Lindsay Hahn; Purba Das; Anne Sadza; Arienne Ferchaud; Ron Tamborini; Claire Segijn; Jan Van den Bulck; Jason Gong; Jaime Banks; Tahleen Lattimer
  • Factors Influencing Farmers’ Ways of Coping During the COVID-19 Pandemic
    Amanda Holmstrom; Jong In Lim; Yue Zhang
  • Developments in Corporate Social Responsibility Research
    Yu Tian 
  • CSR Communication on Instagram: Exploring CSR Signals and Countersignals in a Visually-Oriented Social Media Platform
    Iago S. Muraro; Maximilian Schacker; Katarina Stanoevska-Slabeva
  • What if others see it? Investigating effects of eWOM Privacy, Social Tie Strength, and Product Category Stigmatization on Persuasiveness of eWOM messages on Instagram
  • Subhalakshmi Bezbaruah; Chuqing Dong; Saleem Alhabash 
  • Media Consumption and Mental Health from Adolescence to Mid-Adulthood: A Latent Growth Modeling Approach to Examining the Dynamics among Daily Activities and Health Over Time
  • Sue Lim
  • Watching Movies in VR. A Research Ecosystem for the Study of Screen Media Effects
  • Gary Bente; Nolan T. Jahn; Faith A. Delle; Juncheng Wu; Zhen Huang
  • Environmental journalism and inoculation: An examination of strategic communication methods and their potential use in the journalist’s fight against misinformation
  • Kyle M. Davidson
  • Brazilian Indigenous Environmental Journalism perspectives
  • Gisele Souza Neuls
  • Feelings for Meetings: A Sentiment Analysis of Videoconferencing Platforms a Year Apart
  • Alex P. Leith; Maxwell Foxman; Rabindra (Robby) Ratan; Chaeyun Lim
  • Social-mediatization of news: normative logic and market logic
  • Jieun Shin; Seth Lewis; Soojong Kim; Kjerstin S. Thorson
  • Normative Social Influence from Peers About Vaping Among Chinese Young Adults: An Expansion of the Conceptualization of Peer Communication
  • Jingyuan J. Shi; Sandi W. Smith; Youzhen Su; Zixi Li
  • The Role of Collective Group Orientation and Social Norms on Physical Distancing Behaviors for Disease Prevention
  • Hyungro Yoon; Youjin Jang; Maria Lapinski; Monique M. Turner; Taiquan Peng; Sanguk Lee
  • Eye contact in communication: Message reception and signaling through gaze
  • Nolan T. Jahn; Ralf Schmaelzle; Gary Bente
  • Health [mis]information processing among older adults: An in-depth interview study comparing “misinformation detectives” and misinformation victims”
  • Wei Peng; Jingbo Meng; Sue Lim; Huiyi Liu
  • Journalistic Cultures in the Digital Era: (Re-)Focus on Negotiation and Practice
  • Patric Raemy; Lea C. Hellmueller; Tim P. Vos

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Saturday, May 27, 2023

  • “Is it authentic?”: The role of overconfidence in the relationship between social media news use and institutional media use
  • Taewoo Kang; Kjerstin S. Thorson; Chankyung Pak
  • Ecological Dynamics of Audience Growth in the Digital Media System: Findings From Longitudinal Tracking Data From 2019 to 2022
  • Yu Xu; Taiquan Peng
  • Male chatbots, Female Chatbots, Investigating the Effects of Sex Heuristics in AI Emotional Support
  • Andrew Bredland; Jiaqi Qin; Jingbo Meng; Amanda Holmstrom
  • Black people and outcomes of contact with content that contains racialized violence on social media
  • Leilane Rodrigues
  • Why do they stay away from smartphones? An ethnographic investigation of the digital disconnection of the rural elderly in China
  • Juncheng Wu; Huan Zhang; Wan Liu
  • Truth default and mainstream media cues: Heuristic use in judging the accuracy of political news
  • Daniel E. Bergan; Dustin Carnahan; Manu Sastry
  • Towards Inclusive International Environmental Communication Scholarship
  • Bruno Takahashi
  • The Role of Latin America: Turning Points, Trajectories, and Accounts of Military Partners’ Post-Deployment Adjustment Concerns
  • Elizabeth Dorrance Hall; Patricia E. Gettings; Steven R. Wilson; Elizabeth A. Hintz; Ana Vidal
  • A Grounded Theory of Journalism’s Institutional Actors
  • Tim P. Vos; Wilson Lowrey; Ryan J. Thomas
  • Doorkeepers in Ghana’s social System: Conceptualizing the Normative Framework of the Media System of an African Liberal Democracy
  • Prosper K. Senyo
  • Metajournalistic discourse in US coverage of Brazil: Journalistic roles and values related to threats to democracy
  • Marialina C. Antolini; Marcos P. Da Silva; Tim P. Vos
  • "Find the Joy": Affect and Immanence in a News Correspondent's Tweets from Ukraine
  • Perry Parks
  • Race-Evasive Ideology in U.S.-based Science Communication Fellowship Staff Discourse
  • Nic Bennett; Anthony Dudo; John C. Besley; Yasmiyn Irizarry
  • From Agent to Avacar: Behavioral influence through the controllable-agent paradigm
  • Chaeyun Lim; Yiming (Skylar) Lei; Gabriel E. Hales; Hanjie Liu; Rabindra (Robby) Ratan
  • Exposure to diversity reduces racial prejudice through stronger common ingroup (human) identity: A short-lived effect?
  • Shay X. Yao; Morgan E. Ellithorpe; David Ewoldsen; Allison Eden; Nancy Rhodes; Brandon Van Der Heide
  • Identity-Driven Information Ecosystems: TikTok, Truckstops, and Barbershops
  • Dan Hiaeshutter-Rice; Guadalupe Madrigal; Gavin Ploger; Mia Carbone; Sydney L. Carr; Ava Francesca Battocchio; Stuart Soroka
  • Understanding Procedural and Distributive Fairness Perceptions of AI Decision-Making
  • Hyesun Choung; Prabu David
  • Lifetime TV Use Influences Racial Prejudice through Cultivating Implicit Norms: Differed Effects across Three Life Stages
  • Shay X. Yao; Nikki McClaran; Morgan E. Ellithorpe; David Ewoldsen; Fashina Alade
  • Why do People Unfollow "Friends" on Social Media? Communication Authenticity, Unfollowing, and the Construction of Networked Intimacy on WeChat Moments
  • Junwen Hu
  • I don’t want to talk about politics with my parents: The influence of family communication and political congruency in a political talk in the family.
  • Go-Eun Kim; Jong In Lim
  • Comparative Moral Intuition Prominence in Narratives Shapes Audience Intuition Salience and Affective Dispositions
  • Joshua Baldwin; Ron Tamborini
  • Investigating the Effects of Egoistic Need-Satisfying Narratives on Preadolescents
  • Melinda R. Aley; Ron Tamborini; Lindsay Hahn; Joshua Baldwin
  • Act Real After a Data Breach: An Exploratory Investigation of the Role of Authenticity in Chinese Crisis Management
  • Qi Zheng; Dongqing Xu; Qiu-ting Duan
  • The Online Dating Effect: Where a Couple Meets Predicts the Quality of Their Marriage
  • Liesel Sharabi; Elizabeth Dorrance Hall
  • The Long-Term Influence of Investiture and Serial Socialization Tactics on Organizational Newcomers
  • Scott Shank; Vernon Miller
  • Careers After COVID: Examining the Influence of Vocational Anticipatory Socialization on Post-Pandemic Career Values and Choices
  • Kenneth J. Levine; Melinda R. Aley; Vernon Miller

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Sunday, May 28, 2023

  • How do Bots Persuade? The Role of Image-Identity Congruence in Creating an Online Persona
  • Maria D. Molina; Nora Rifon; Iago Santos-Muraro
  • When controversy meets controversy, what do you see? Understanding the visual communication of cannabis companies’ corporate social advocacy on Instagram
  • Chuqing Dong; Virginia S. Harrison; Qi Zheng; Morgan Vandenberg
  • Perceptions of Science Communication Among Scientists of Historically Minoritized Groups
  • Leigh Anne Tiffany; Leilane Rodrigues; Bruno Takahashi; Sunshine Menezes; Evelyn Valdez-Ward
  • Not All Anger is Created Equal: A Meta-Analytic Assessment of Anger Elicitation
  • Stefanie Z. Demetriades; Nathan Walter; Monique M. Turner; Callie S. Kalny
  • Joining A New Organization Remotely: Newcomers’ Information Seeking Behaviors in CMC context
  • Yidi Zhang
  • Playfully Virtual: Finding Authentic Communication in Videoconferencing and Online Meetings
  • Maxwell Foxman; Alex P. Leith; Rabindra (Robby) Ratan; Dalton Bouzek; Chaeyun Lim; David G. Beyea
  • Do Primary Emotions About COVID-19 affect Risk Perceptions, Efficacy Beliefs, Information Seeking and Behavior? Looking at Emotions as Audience Segments
  • Monique M. Turner; Jong In Lim; Youjin Jang; Ruth J. Heo; Qijia Ye; Hee Jung Cho; Miyeon Kim
  • Moments in Love: Redefining “Baby-Making” via Reproductive Justice Lens
  • Robyn B. Adams
  • Coherence and its impact on partisan news consumption: The roles of meta-cognition and enjoyment
  • Jennifer Hoewe; Diane Jackson; SaiDatta Mikkilineni; Cherag Keswani; David Ewoldsen
  • SRG Communication, Environment, Science and Society
  • Céline Pascual Espuny; Bruno Takahashi
  • Go negative for clicks: Negative sentiment in environmental advocacy emails increases public engagement
  • P. Sol Hart; Stuart Soroka; Dan Hiaeshutter-Rice
  • The Effects of the Source of Support and Message Contingency on Self-disclosure Unfolding over Conversational Stages
  • Jingbo Meng; Jiaqi Qin; Yue Zhang; Andrew Bredland; Sue Lim; Junwen Hu; Stephen A. Rains
  • A Preliminary Study for Developing Perceived ESG Scale to Measure Public Perception Toward Organizations’ ESG Performance
  • Hyun Jung Oh; Sejin Park; Hye Hyun Ma; Byoungkwan Lee; Dayeoun Jang

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Monday, May 29, 2023

  • “Shaking things up” / “Fear of F***ing Up”: Creating Culturally Inclusive Preschool STEM Television
  • Tara J. Mesyn; Fashina Alade; Breniel Lemley
  • The Temporal Structure of Information Flow and its Consequences: An Online Experiment
  • Yi-Xin Zhou; Taiquan Peng; Jonathan Zhu
  • Media Multitasking with Online Video: Examining the Role of Perceptual Resources Overlap
  • Jonghwan Baek
  • Can Cooperative Gameplay Compensate for Ostracism? Exploring Roles of Collective Self-esteem, Belongingness, and Reciprocity Expectation
  • Yiming (Skylar) Lei; Hanjie Liu; David Ewoldsen; Nancy Rhodes
  • Elaborated negativity: How U.S. journalists assess the impact of social media
  • Stephanie Edgerly; Yingying Chen; Kjerstin S. Thorson; Taewoo Kang
  • Awe and Trepidation: The Role of Perinatal Care Providers in Black Fathers’ Experiences of Childbirth in the U.S.
  • Mary Bresnahan; Jie Zhuang; Joanne Goldbert; Libby Bogdan-Lovis; Kendra Elam; Sameerah Shareef
  • News consumption, partisanship, and energy preferences in Brazil and the United States
  • Rachel Mourao; Adam Mayer; Igor Cavallini; Ana Paula Bortoleto; Karina Ninni; Aaron McCright; Erik Brown; Maria Claudia Lopez; Emilio Moran
  • Leveraging Prompt-Engineering to Generate Health Awareness Messages - A Role for Artificial Neural Networks in Communication Science
  • Sue Lim; Ralf Schmaelzle
  • Explaining Conservation Donation Behaviors with the Theory of Planned Behavior Cross-nationally
  • Apoorva Joshi
  • Research on Social Memory of Traumatic Events: an Example of Wuhan’s Lockdown at the Beginning of COVID-19
  • Huan Zhang; Juncheng Wu; Yaning Wang
  • We had to rely on Instagram: Activist youth in Brazil during the Covid-19 pandemic
  • Marialina C. Antolini; Kjerstin S. Thorson
  • Assessing Theoretical Mediators of Campaign-Induced Communication in the Context of Social Norms Campaign
  • Sunyoung Park; Sandi W. Smith
  • Do People Believe in Misleading Information Disseminated via Memes? The Role of Identity and Anger
  • Maria D. Molina
  • Research in Progress: Is Teaching in Virtual Reality Superior to Video Conferencing? Examining the Role of Social Presence
  • Qiyang Lin; Rabindra (Robby) Ratan; Alexander Lover; Chaeyun Lim; Dayeoun Jang; Zachary Schultz; Yi An; Eugy Han
  • What is there to fear? Understanding fear of AI from the technological affordance framework
  • Emily Zhan; Maria D. Molina; Minjin Rheu; Wei Peng
  • Nostalgic Doom-Scrolling: Traversing Psychological Distance and Adjusting Mood Through Sad News Stories from Home
  • Hanjie Liu; Sherri Jean Katz
  • Work-Family Balance in Slovenia: Associations with Job Stress, Division of Labor Satisfaction, and Relational Wellbeing
  • Elizabeth Dorrance Hall; Kelsey Earle; Mengyan Ma; Katie Osika; Lorraine Kuch
  • Shared Social Media Use and the Spread of Network Diversity and Social Tolerance Amongst First Generation Rural University Students and their Parents
  • Keith N. Hampton; Kelley Cotter; Janine Slaker
  • Behavioral Analysis of Teachers’ Attitudes towards Students’ Use of Mobile Phones in Schools in Ghana
  • Barikisu Issaka; Sabena Abdul Raheem; Inusah Mohammed; Ebenezer A. Aidoo; Aderonke Daramola
  • "Can Virtual Influencers' Apology be Authentic?": The Different Perceptions of Moral Violation and Apology by Virtual and Human Influencers in the Brand Endorsement
  • Taenyun Kim; Chungheon Lee; Yanqin Wu; Jungwoo Jang; Huisung Kwon; Hyemin Park; Hayeon Song; Kwan M. Lee; Jae-gil Lee; Namkee Park

Tuesday, May 30, 2023 - Post-Conference

  • Authentic Voices in Science Communication
    Keynote: John Belsey

Wednesday, May 31, 2023 - Post-Conference

  • Formation and Fragmentation of Mental Models in Heterogeneous Media Ecosystems During Times of Complex Crisis. 73rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association-Media Sociology
    Johannes M. Bauer; Megan Knittel; Wenjuan Ma; Ruth J. Shillair; Grant Blank

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