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The skills you’ll build in this concentration pay off extremely well: Employers hire and keep people who can crunch numbers, profile audiences, or analyze how messages diffuse on social media. Once you understand the science, you can contribute to all areas of the communication field.

Top skills you'll get with a communication science, analytics, and research methods concentration

  • Develop basic media literacy skills to navigate a noisy information environment
  • Become a strong quantitative reasoner and build research and computational skills
  • Understand statistics, develop data science literacy, and understand research design principles
  • Learn to apply communication research skills to practical problems
  • Learn how to analyze social network structure and message diffusion processes
  • Be able to conduct and analyze neuro- and psychophysiological message testing

Communication Science, Analytics, and Research Methods Careers

  • Quantitative Communication Analyst
  • Audience Analyst
  • Data Scientist
  • betboom dacha dubaiSearch Engine Optimization Expert
  • Marketing Analyst
  • Digital Communication Analytic Specialist
  • New Media Coordinator