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The Department of Media and Information offers an interdisciplinary and energetic learning environment united by a passion for media and information. In our state-of-the-art labs and centers (such as the Games for Entertainment & Learning Lab, Rural Computing Consortium, Social and Psychological Approaches to Research on Technology-Interaction Effects (SPARTIE) Lab and Quello Center for Media & Information Policy), we're researching new avenues of communication technology and computer-centered interaction. In our classrooms, our world-class, award-winning faculty teach all aspects of the vibrant media ecosystem.

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Degrees and Programs

We offer two B.A. degrees (Information Science and Games & Interactive Media), an M.A. degree (Media and Information) and a professional online M.S. degree (User Experience). We're a part of the jointly offered Ph.D. in Information and Media and participate in several minors. 

Inside Media and Information

Students work in labs and high-tech classrooms with businesses and non-profits, and experience hands-on learning that prepares them for promising careers at the frontiers of new media and information technology.