betboom team

Clipart of a pencil and paper with the words Dean's Notes written on the paper

Kindness to Others and to Ourselves

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ComArtSci square coming out of a white envelope

Dean's Notes: Reflections on gratitude

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A photo of Beaumont Tower with fall leaves

Dean's Notes: Reflections on the MSU Strategic Plan

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Hate has no home here

Note of Support for Our betboom teamAsian Pacific Islander Desi American and Asian Communities

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Lauren Gains McKenzie

Recognizing Indigenous Peoples' Day

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Dean Prabu David in a ComArtSci mask

The Spartan Phalanx: Our Community Can Come Together to Defend Against COVID-19

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Photo of Dean Prabu David

Leading in a Pandemic

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Unmute | Silence is not golden. Speak out against racism.

Looking Back to Remember, Reflect and Inspire Action

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Be a change agent

Modern Lessons from the Letter from Birmingham Jail

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Monique Turner

Department of Communication Faculty Congratulate the Class of 2020

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Spartan helmet, staying connected

Stay Connected. Without Community, We Lose Humanity

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Prabu David, Dean

Dean's Message to Students: We Are Here, Together

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Prabu David

Thirty Days of Gratitude

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ComArtSci logo

Dean's Notes: Apology Regarding Recent Survey

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Dean Prabu David speaks in the Media Innovation Lab.

Dean's Notes: ATSC 3.0 Technology

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Photo of Dean Prabu David

Healthy People, Healthy Planet

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Photo of Dean Prabu David

The Path Ahead

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Introverts quote

Let’s Hear From Our Introverts

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empathy quote

Empathy and the Microsoft Ad

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Leadership attributes

Leadership with a Lowercase 'l'​

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prabu david dean

Characteristics of Leadership

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dean prabu

Leadership and Your Inner Voice

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Photo of Speak Up poster at community event


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atsc picture

What’s Your Big Idea? Researchers Announce Rare 15-Day Challenge to Spark Interest in New Broadcast Technology

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Graphic with words: Building an empathetic organization, dialogue on equity, inclusiveness and civility

Dean's Notes: Empathy

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View of the Beaumont Tower through spring trees in bloom.

Dean's Notes: Resilience

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Black and white photo of Dean David

Dean's Notes: Finding the Right Words

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MSU Rock

Dean's Voice: A Better Tomorrow

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MSU rock

A Time of Sorrow and Significance: Letter to ComArtSci Community

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Dean Prabu David standing in front of a building in the snow.

ComArtSci at the Forefront of New Technology

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Prabu David, smiling and holding his chin

The Gift of Compassionate Communication

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Two kindergarten girls holding their new playpads and smiling for the camera.

Dean's Notes: Tapping the Research Potential of WKAR and PBS KIDS

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Dean Prabu David

Healthy People, Healthy Planet

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Dean Prabu David

New Research Areas at ComArtSci

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Dean Prabu David

Executive Education

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Dean Prabu David

In the Moment

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MSU Water Moves logo

Celebrating Communication Arts and Sciences Through Water

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Statue of MSU's Sparty taken in the last afternoon on a partly cloudy day.

American Dream

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Bring Joy to the World Through the Gift of Listening

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Dean Prabu David

Warm and Sunny East Lansing

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Dean Prabu David standing in front of the south lobby elevators. Elevator doors have sign on it that reads, who will open the doors for communication?

Opening Doors to Experiential Learning

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ComArtSci's new lab will create future generations of communication catalysts.

Catalysts of Communication

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Dean Prabu David.

A Time for Reflection and Looking Forward

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Dean Prabu David.

Who Will Create a Civil Society?

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ComArtSci students gather together for the 2015 ComArtSci Colloquim

New Year: New Meaningful Experiences

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Dean Prabu David and alumni Craig Murray standing next to one another at the Spartans on Screen event in LA.

Small Acts Bring Big Value

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Dean David Prabu standing outside the MSU Spartan Stadium in winter.

Themes to Guide Our Strategic Planning

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