david betboom app Markowitz

David Markowitz

Associate Professor

  • betboom app
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Dr. Markowitz is an Associate Professor in the Department of betboom app at Michigan State University, whose research uses language to understand social and psychological processes. For example, his work has examined the lies people tell ondating apps, how language patterns inpet adoption profilespredict a pet getting adopted, and howverbal complexityassociates withsocial engagements and money,plusonline petition support. Some of his recent work has also evaluated how bias is revealed inphysician medical notesand office discipline referrals.

Dr. Markowitz wasselected as a "Rising Star" of the Association for Psychological Science in 2022.

His work has appeared in top outlets such as Science Advances,Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,PNAS Nexus,Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Journal of betboom app, betboom app Research, and Human betboom app Research. For an updated CV, please click here.

betboom app and Teaching

language, text analysis, deception, persuasion, computer-mediated betboom app, media psychology

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