betboom team

Ron Tamborini


  • Communication
(517) 355-0178


Ron Tamborini (Ph.D., Indiana University) is the Director of Doctoral Studies and a Professor in the Department of Communication at Michigan State University where he teaches courses in media process and methods of communication inquiry. His research examines both traditional and new media, with a focus on how characteristics of technology alter the psychological experience and influence of media.

Research and Teaching

My research examines both traditional and new media, with a focus on how characteristics of technology alter the psychological experience and influence of media. My current work examines several topics including (a) the relationship ship between media exposure and moral intuition, (b) the impact of natural mapping in video game technology, (c) the enjoyment and appreciation of media informational and entertainment content.

Contact Information

404 Wilson Rd, Room
Communication Arts and Sciences Building
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824