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Suhwoo Ahn

Ph.D. Candidate

  • Communication


Suhwoo Ahn is a fifth-year doctoral student in the Department of Communication at Michigan State University. He received his Master of Arts in Communication from Seoul National University and his dual Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication and Sociology from Sogang University in the Republic of Korea.

Research and Teaching

Suhwoo Ahn's research focuses on citizens' engagement with political information, and its impact on their attitudes and behaviors. He studies partisan news use, correction of misinformation, and political polarization. He is also interested in applying computational methods in examining communication phenomena. His work has been published in journals such as Journal of Communication, Communication Monographs, Patient Education and Counseling, and Journal of Political Marketing.

Suhwoo Ahn's teaching experience includes COM 100 (Human Communication), COM 275 (Effects of Mass Communication), and COM 300 (Methods of Communication Inquiry) at Michigan State University.

Recent Publications

betboom team, Bergan, D. E., Ma, S. & Carnahan, D. (2023). Estimating the Impact of Immediate Versus Delayed Corrections on Belief Accuracy. Communication Monographs, 90(3). 372-392. 

Carnahan, D., Ahn, S., & Turner, M. M. (2023). The Madness of Misperceptions: Evaluating the Ways Anger Contributes to Misinformed Beliefs. Journal of Communication, 73(1), 60-72.

Ahn S., Lee, C., & Ko, Y. (2022). Network Social Capital and Health Information AcquisitionPatient Education and Counseling, 105(9), 2923-2933.

Ahn, S., Bergan, D. E., Carnahan, D., Barry, R., & Ulusoy, E. (2021). Out-Party Cues and Factual Beliefs in an Era of Negative Partisanship. Journal of Political Marketing 20 (3-4), 269-288. 


Contact Information

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