betboom dacha

  • Adjeroh, Donald, Beal, Richard, Abbasi, Ahmed, Zheng, Wanhong, Abate, Marie, and Ross, Arun (2014), Signal fusion for social media analysis of adverse drug events, IEEE intelligent systems 299(2), 74–80.
  • Ames, Morgan G., Mark Warschauer, and Shelia R. Cotten. (2016). When Technology Programs Backfire: How One Laptop per Child Taught Birmingham a “Costly Lesson”. Pp. 133 – 155 in Michael A. Gottfried and Gilberto Q. Conchas (eds.), When School Policies Backfire, and What We Can Learn.Harvard Education Press.
  • Ball, Chris, Huang, Kuo-Ting, Rikard, R.V. & Cotton, Shelia R. (forthcoming). Pressurizing the STEM Pipeline: An Expectancy-Value Theory Analysis of Youths' STEM Attitudes. Journal of Science Education and Technology.  
  • Bauer, Johannes M. (2017a), Complementary innovation and network neutrality, Telecommunications Policy, available online 6 December 2017.
  • Bauer, Johannes M. (2017b), The Internet and income inequality, Telecommunications Policy
  • Bigman, C., Mello, S., Sanders-Jackson, A & Tan, A.S.L. (forthcoming). Assertive Communication about Others’ Smoking and Vaping in Public Venues. Health Communication.
  • Büchi, Moritz, Just, Natascha, & Latzer, Michael (2017), Caring Is Not Enough: The Importance of Internet Skills for Online Privacy Protection, Information, Communication & Society, 20(8), 1261–1278. doi: 10.1080/1369118X.2016.1229001.
  • Candeub, Adam (forthcoming). A Digital Medicine Manifesto, Journal of Health Care Law & Policy.
  • Candeub, Adam (forthcoming). The Common Carriage Privacy Model, UC Davis Law Review.
  • Candeub, Adam (2017). Networks, Neutrality and Discrimination, 69 Administrative L. Rev. 12.
  • Candeub, Adam (2017). Tyranny and Administrative Law, 59 Arizona L. Rev. 49.
  • Cotton, Shelia R., Ford, George, Ford, Sherry & Hale, Timothy M. (2014). Internet Use and Depression Among Retired Older Adults in the U.S.: A Longitudinal Analysis. Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological and Social Sciences, 69(5), 763-771.
  • Dantcheva, Antitza, Elia, Petros, & Ross, Arun (2016). What else does your biometric data reveal? A survey on soft biometrics. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 11(3), 441–467.
  • Dutton, W. H. (2015), ‘Putting Policy in its Place: The Challenge for Research on Internet Policy and Regulation’, I/S: A Journal of Law and Policy for the Information Society, 12(1) (Fall): 157–84. 
  • Dutton, W. H. (2017), ‘Fake news, echo chambers and filter bubbles: Underresearched and overhyped’, The Conversation, 5 May:
  • Dutton, W. (2017), ‘Fostering a Cyber Security Mindset’, Internet Policy Review, 6(1): DOI: 10.14763/2017.1.443 Abridged version reprinted in Encore, a publication of The Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG), forthcoming in 2018
  • Dutton, W. H. (In Progress), The Fifth Estate: The Political Dynamics of the Internet in Communication and Society. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Dutton, William H. & Reisdorf, Bianca C. (2017). Cultural Divides and Digital Inequalities: Attitudes Shaping Internet and Social Media Divides. Information, Communication & Society.Online First.
  • Dutton, W. H., Creese, S., Shillair, R., Bada, M., Roberts, T. (2017), Cyber Security Capacity: Does it Matter? Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Telecommunication Policy Research Conference (TPRC), held at George Mason University, September 8 & 9.
  • Dutton, W. H., Reisdorf, B. C., Dubois, E., and Blank, G. (2017), ‘Search and Politics: The Uses and Impacts of Search in Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain, betboom sports bettingand the United States’, Quello Center Working Paper No. 5-1-17.
  • Hampton, Keith, Inyoung Shin, and Weixu Lu. (2017). Social Media and Political Discussion: When Online Presence Silences Offline Conversation. Information, Communication & Society 20(7), 1090–1107.
  • Hampton, Keith. (2017). New Communication Technologies and the Future of Community. In Paul Messaris and Lee Humphreys (Eds.) Digital Media: Transformations in Human Communication 2nd ed.New York: Peter Lang. 127–138.
  • Hampton, Keith. (in press). Social Media or Social Inequality: Trump’s ‘Unexpected’ Election. In Zizi Papacharissi and Pablo Boczkowski (Eds), Trump and the Media.Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • Hampton, Keith and Barry Wellman. (in press). All the Lonely People? The Continuing Lament about the Loss of Community. In Leah Lievrouw and Brian Loader (Eds.), Handbook of Digital Media and Communication.Routledge.
  • Huang, Kuo-Ting, Cotten, Shelia R., & Rikard. RV (2017). Access is Not Enough: The Impact of Emotional Costs on African American Students’ ICT Use Patterns. Information, Communication, and Society, 20(4): 637-650.
  • Just, Natascha, & Puppis, Manuel (2018 forthcoming), Moving Beyond Self-Castigation: Let’s Reinvigorate Communication Policy Research Now! Journal of Communication, Special issue: Ferment in the Field, Accepted manuscript, forthcoming in April 2018.
  • Just, Natascha, Büchi, Moritz, & Latzer, Michael (2017), A Blind Spot in Public Broadcasters’ Discovery of the Public: How the Public Values Public Service, International Journal of Communication, 11, 992–1011.
  • Just, Natascha, & Latzer, Michael (2016/2017), Governance by Algorithms: Reality Construction by Algorithmic Selection on the Internet, Media, Culture & Society, Published online before print April 21, 2016, doi: 10.1177/0163443716643157; 2017: 39(2), 238–258.
  • Just, Natascha (forthcoming), Combining Webcrawling and Content Analysis in Communication Policy Research. Forthcoming in: Van den Bulck, H., Puppis, M., Donders, K., & Van Audenhove, L. (Eds.). The Palgrave Handbook of Media Policy Research Methods. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Latzer, Michael, Saurwein, Florian, & Just, Natascha (forthcoming). Governance-Choice Method: In Search of the Appropriate Level of State Intervention. Forthcoming in: Van den Bulck, H., Puppis, M., Donders, K., & Van Audenhove, L. (Eds.). The Palgrave Handbook of Media Policy Research Methods. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Mirjalili, Vahid, & Ross, Arun (2017). Soft Biometric Privacy: Retaining Biometric Utility of Face Images while Perturbing Gender, Proc. of International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB).
  • Othman, Asem A., & Ross, Arun (2014). Privacy of Facial Soft Biometrics: Suppressing Gender But Retaining Identity, ECCV betboom dachaWorkshops (2), 682–696.
  • Reisdorf, Bianca C. & Jewkes, Yvonne (2016). (B)Locked Sites: The impact of lack of Internet access on prisoners during incarceration and rehabilitation. Information, Communication & Society, 19(6), 771–786.
  • Reisdorf, B.C., & Rikard, R.V. (forthcoming). Digital Rehabilitation: A Model of Reentry into the Digital Age. American Behavioral Scientist.
  • Rhinesmith, Colin, & Reisdorf, Bianca C. (forthcoming). An Asset-Based Approach to Digital Inclusion Research in the US Context. In Ragnedda, M. (Ed.), Digital Inclusion in International Perspective. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Rhinesmith, Colin, & Reisdorf, Bianca C. (forthcoming). Race, Intersectionality, and Digital Inequalities: Implications for Policy. New Media & Society.
  • Robinson, Laura, Cotten, Shelia R., Ono, Hiroshi, Quan-Haase, Anabel, Mesch, Gustavo, Chen, Wenhong, Schulz, Jeremy, Hale, Timothy M., & Stern, Mike (2015). Digital Inequalities and Why They Matter. Information, Communication, and Society, 18(5): 569-582.
  • Sanders-Jackson, A., Tan, A.S.L., Yie, Kyeungyeun (Online First). Effects of Health-Oriented Descriptors on Combustible Cigarette and Electronic Cigarette Packaging: An Experiment Among Adult Smokers in the United States. Tobacco Control.
  • Sanders-Jackson, A., Tan, A.S.L., Bigman, C., Mello, S & Neiderdeppe, J. (2016). To Regulate or Not to Regulate? Views on Electronic Cigarette Regulations and Beliefs about the Reasons for and against Regulation, PLoS One, 11(8), e0161124.
  • Sanders-Jackson, A., Schleicher, N., Fortmann, S. & Henriksen L. (2015). Effect of warning statements in e-cigarette advertisements: an experiment with young adults. Addiction, 110(12), 2015–2024. doi: 10.1111/add.12838  
  • Saurwein, Florian, Just, Natascha, & Latzer, Michael (2015). Governance of Algorithms: Options and Limitations, Info – The journal of policy, regulation and strategy for telecommunications, information and media(now: Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance), 17(6), 35–49.
  • Simoni, Zachary R., Gibson, Philip A., Cotten, Shelia R., Stringer, Kristi L. & O'Neal-Coleman, Latoya. (2016). Does Place Matter? The Effects of Concentrated Poverty on the Computer Use of Elementary Students.Journal of Urban Technology, 23(3): 3-21. DOI: 10.1080/10630732.2015.1073901.
  • Tan., A., Bigman, C., Sanders-Jackson, A. (2015). Sociodemographic correlates of self-reported exposure to e-cigarette communications and its association with public support for smoke-free and vape-free policies: results from a national survey of US adults, Tobacco Control, 24(6), 574–581. doi: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2014-051685
  • Tan, A.S.L., Mello, S., Sanders-Jackson, A. & Bigman, C. (2017). Knowledge about Chemicals betboom dacha dubaiin e‐Cigarette Secondhand Vapor and Perceived Harms of Exposure among a National Sample of US Adults, Risk Analysis, 37(6), 1170-1180.
  • Yankelevich, A., Shapiro, M., and Dutton, W. H. (2017), ‘Reaching Beyond the Wire: Challenges Facing Wireless for the Last Mile’, Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance, 19 (3): pp. 210-24.
  • Yankelevich, A., Reisdorf, B.C., Dutton, W.H., Shapiro, M. (under review). Wirelessly Bridging the Homework Gap: Challenges in Getting Broadband to Disconnected Students? Telecommunications Policy.
  • Zorina, A., Dutton, W. H., Pitsis, T., Mount, M. (in progress), ‘The Ecology of Games as a Perspective on Transitions in Multi-Actor Disruptive Innovation’, Journal Article in Progress.
  • Weixu, Lu & Keith Hampton (2017). Beyond the Power of Networks: Differentiating Network Structure from Social Media Affordances for Perceived Social Support. New Media & Society 19(6), 861-879.