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COVID Related Work and Perspectives

Articles shared from ComArtSci researchers, faculty, staff and community.

Photo of John Seberger with the words New Research

Q&A with postdoc John S. Seberger on post-COVID study

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Give Green Day graphic

Spartans Double Generosity during Give Green Day Campaign, Supporting ComArtSci Student Emergency Fund

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Image of a bottle of COVID vaccine with an injection needle

New Study: U.S. Faces Longer Uphill Struggle Than U.K. in COVID-19 Vaccination Rates

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Photo of sunlight and fall colors at Beaumont Tower

On the Banks of the Red Cedar

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Photo of I Voted stickers

School of Journalism Offers MSU Students Stipends for Coverage of Election, Social Issues

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Screenshot of a faculty member teaching in Zoom

Different Teaching for Different Times: MSU Professors Use Creativity to Engage Students in Online Courses

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Photo of Julie Beaty volunteering with the American Red Cross

MSU Professor Travels to West Coast to Assist with Wildfire Relief

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All for one graphic with Spartan helmets

All for One: Spartans Make Meaningful Connections in Midst of Pandemic

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Photo of Allison Sink

The Value of Online Courses at Michigan State University

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Photo of Michigan National Guard soldiers at sunset

MSU Senior Answers Call to Serve the COVID-19 Relief Effort with the Michigan National Guard

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A graphic showing protein folding

Using ComArtSci Computer Power to Understand COVID-19

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Graphic showing Spartan logo in a heart with students in picture

A Pressing Need: Student Emergency Fund Supports Students Facing Adversity

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Graphic of graduation cap with the words Spartan Strong and Class of 2020

Spartans Encouraged to Submit Video Messages to MSU Seniors

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MSU StratCom student Leah Ball's daughter watching a show on a laptop

One day at a time: Balancing a new work structure with school and parenting

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L: Photo of Sorensen with his kids from a race last year. R: Photo of Zak Sorensen

Going the distance: Connection during the coronavirus

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Spartan helmet, staying connected

Stay Connected. Without Community, We Lose Humanity

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Photo of MSU Graduation Cap

Student View: An Unprecedented Goodbye

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This image is a screenshot of the Focal Point award-winning March 20 broadcast.

Focal Point Broadcast Wins First Place from Society of Professional Journalists

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Graphic of vocal waves

Our Voices: MSU Student betboom casino reviewCaptures Shared Humanity in Award-Winning Video

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Prabu David, Dean

Dean's Message to Students: We Are Here, Together

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Photo of a stop sign on a school bus

The Urgent Need to Move Schools Online: Four Things Your School District Needs to Know Before Taking Action

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Graphic with the words COVID-19 Answers and Insight

Turner Hosts WKAR Series on 'COVID-19: Answers and Insight'

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You Belong Here.

Letter of Support to International Students

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CDC Graphic with MSU to Flatten the Curve

Updates on COVID-19

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Dr. Brandon Van Der Heide

In Uncertain Times: Who Spartans Become

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definition of xenophobia

Xenophobia and Coronavirus

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COVID Research Publications

Check out work being done at the various departments, centers and labs at ComArtSci

Eden, A. L., Johnson, B. K., Reinecke, L., & Grady, S. M. (2020). Media for coping during COVID-19 social distancing: stress, anxiety, and psychological well-being. Frontiers in psychology11, 3388.

Grady, S.M., Eden, A., Johnson, B.K., Reinecke, L. (2021- in press). Media use and avoidance experiences during social distancing. Technology Mind and Behavior

Hall, J., Pennington, N., & Holmstrom, A. J. (2021). Connecting through technology during COVID-19. Human Communication & Technology, 2(1).

Holmstrom, A. J., Hall, J., & Pennington, N. (under review). Thriving or struggling? Social energy expenditure and patterns of interaction during the COVID-19 pandemic

Holmstrom, A. J., *Shebib, S. J., *Boumis, J. K., *Allard, A., *Mason, A. J., & *Lim, J. I (2021). Support gaps during the COVID-19 pandemic: Sex differences and effects on well-being. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 38(10), 2985-3009.

Pennington, N., Holmstrom, A. J., & Hall, J. (in press). The toll of technology while working from home during COVID-19. Communication Reports

Reisdorf, B., Blank, G., Bauer, J., Cotten, S., Robertson, C., & Knittel, M. (2021). Information Seeking Patterns and COVID-19 in the United States. Journal of Quantitative Description: Digital Media1.

Reisdorf, B.C., Blank, betboom sports bettingG., Cotten, S., Argyris, A., Robertson, C.T., Knittel, M., & Bauer, J.M. (2020). Quello Center Political and Health Information Seeking Project. East Lansing, MI; Charlotte, NC; Oxford, UK, and Clemson, SC.

Reisdorf , B. C., Blank, G., Cotten, S. R., Robertson, C. T., Argyris , Y. A., Knittel, M., & Bauer, J. M. (2021, March 21). Overcoming COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy - quello center. Quello Center. Retrieved from

Sherrick, B., Hoewe, J., & Ewoldsen, D. R. (2021, September 2). Using Narrative Media to Satisfy Intrinsic Needs: Connecting Parasocial Relationships, Retrospective Imaginative Involvement, and Self-Determination Theory. Psychology of Popular Media. Advance online publication.