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ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS- Associate Professor, School of Journalism, Michigan State University, July 2024-present- Assistant Professor, School of Journalism, Michigan State University, August 2018-July 2024- Director of Graduate Programs, MSU School of Journalism, August 2024-present- Editor, Journalism History, August 2024-present- Interim Director, ComArtSci Center for Teaching and Learning, September 2023-July 2024PEER-REVIEWED JOURNAL ARTICLESParks, P. (2024). Disastrous to Take a Single Note: Memory and Materiality in a Century of U.S. Journalism Textbooks. Journalism Practice, 18(7), 18481866.Parks, P. and Mari, W. (2024). Conceiving Computer-Assisted Reporting: Optimism, materialism, and technological determinism in United States-focused textbooks. Journalism 25(3), 491-510.Mayer, A., and Parks, P. (2024). Media and partisanship in energy transition: Towards a new synthesis. Energy Research & Social Science, 108. HYPERLINK "https://doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2023.103368"https://doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2023.103368.Parks, P. (2023). Find the Joy: A War Correspondents Tweets and the Rise of an Affective Age in News. Digital Journalism, online ahead of print. Doi: 10.1080/21670811.2023.2278053.Parks, P. (2023). How U.S.-based childrens news show CNN 10 reproduces neoliberal hegemony: A critical discourse analysis. The Communication Review 26(4),390-413.Parks, P. (2023). Down the Middle: CNN 10 and the ideology of objectivity. Journalism Practice, 17(8), 1627-1644. Parks, P. (2022). Senses of truth and journalisms epistemic crisis. Journal of Media Ethics 37(3), 179-193.Parks, P. (2022). Poetry and journalism revisited: Toward an affective dimension of journalism culture. Communication Theory 32(2), 179-200. Creech, B. and Parks, P. (2022). Promises granted: Venture philanthropy and tech ideology in metajournalistic discourse. Journalism Studies 3(1), 70-88. Parks, P. (2021). Joy is a news value. Journalism Studies 22(6), 820-838. Parks, P. (2021). Non-representational news: An intervention into pseudo-events. Journalism 22(1), 122-138.Parks, P. (2021). From sensation to stigma: Changing standards for suicide coverage in U.S. journalism textbooks, 1894-2016. Journalism 22(6), 1375-1392. Parks, P. and White, L. (2021). Foregrounding backgrounds: How scientists conceive art to express the invisible. Science Communication 43(4), 435-459. Parks, P. (2021). Choosing joy as methodology in journalism research. Journal of Communication Inquiry, 45(2), 119-137. Hautea, S. Parks, P., Takahashi, B., and Zeng, J. (2021). Showing they care (or dont): Affective publics and ambivalent climate activism on TikTok. Social Media + Society 7(2), HYPERLINK "https://doi.org/10.1177/20563051211012344"https://doi.org/10.1177/20563051211012344.Parks, P. (2021). Using micro-writing assignments for qualitative assessment in media lecture classes. Teaching Journalism & Mass Communication 11(1), 24-35.Parks, P. (2020). Toward a humanistic turn for a more ethical journalism.Journalism 21(9), 1229-1245.Parks, P. (2020). Researching with our hair on fire: Three frameworks for rethinking news in a post-normative world. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 97(2), 393-415.Parks, P. (2020). The ultimate news value: Journalism textbooks, the U.S. presidency, and the normalization of Donald Trump. Journalism Studies 21(4), 512-529. Parks, P. (2020). Is climate change a crisis and who says so? An analysis of climate characterization in major U.S. media. Environmental Communication 14(1), 82-96.Parks, P. (2019). Covering Trumps carnival: A rhetorical alternative to objective reporting. Journalism Practice 13(10), 1164-1184.Parks, P. (2019). Textbook news values: Stable concepts, changing choices. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 96(3), 784-810.Parks, P. (2019). The discipline-autonomy paradox: How U.S. journalism textbooks construct reporters freedom just to tear it down. Journalism Studies 20(13), 1903-1919.Parks, P. (2019). An unnatural split: How human interest sucks the life from significant news. Media, Culture & Society 41(8), 1228-1244.Parks, P. (2019). Crisis continued: Cable news, American exceptionalism, and discourses of danger. Journalism Studies 20(3), 305-326. Parks, P.(2019).Naturalizing negativity: How journalism textbooks justify crime, conflict, and bad news.Critical Studies in Media Communication36(1), 75-91.McDevitt, M., Parks, P., Stalker, J., Lerner, K., Benn, J., & Hwang, T. (2018). Anti-intellectualism among US students in journalism and mass communication: A cultural perspective. Journalism 19(6), 782-799.Takahashi, B., and Parks, P. (2018). Journalists and communicators' perceptions of their graduate training in environmental reporting: An application of knowledge-based journalism principles. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 5(94).Parks, P. (2017). Silent Spring, loud legacy: How elite media helped establish an environmentalist icon. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 94(4), 1215-1238.Parks, P. and Takahashi, B. (2016). From apes to whistleblowers: How scientists inform, defend, and excite in newspaper op-eds. Science Communication, 38(3), 275-302.Parks, P. (2015). Summer for the scientists? The Scopes trial and the pedagogy of journalism. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 92(2), 444-467.Parks, P. (2015). A collaborative approach to experiential learning in university newswriting and editing classes: A case study. Journalism & Mass Communication Educator, 70(2), 125-140.INVITED JOURNAL ARTICLES, REVIEWS, AND COMMENTARIES McDevitt, M., Parks, P. and Craft, S. (2022). An overdue contribution: Mass communication theory in the security of democracy. Special issue introduction, Mass Communication and Society 25(6), 747-763. Parks, P. (2019). Book review: Randall S. Sumpter, Before journalism schools: How Gilded Age reporters learned the rules. Newspaper Research Journal 40(2), 261-263.Parks, P., Cruz, R., & Ahn, S. J. G. (2014). Dont hurt my avatar: The use and potential of digital self-representation in risk communication. The International Journal of Robots, Education and Art, 4(2), 10-20.BOOKS AND CHAPTERSParks, P. (Forthcoming). Toward an Affective Definition of Journalism: Reconceiving News to Present the Whole Human Experience. Chapter accepted for Mara T. Soto-Sanfiel and Virpi Salojrvi, (Eds.) The Handbook of Journalism and Emotions: Theory, Production, Content, and Responses. Wiley Blackwell.Parks, P. (2023). Presenting journalism as 'destiny': Textbooks as sites of journalism history. In Melita M. Garza, Tracy Lucht, and Michael Fuhlhage (Eds.) The Routledge Companion to American Journalism History. New York, NY: Routledge. Doi:HYPERLINK "https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003245131-7" \t "_blank"10.4324/9781003245131-7Parks, P. (2022). Its time journalists take minimize harm seriously: Lessons from the Trump era. In Gutsche, R. E. (Ed.) The future of the presidency, journalism, and democracy after Trump, 314-334. Routledge.Parks, P. (2017). We know how to communicate with power. We just dont do it. In Cherian George (Ed.), Communicating with power. International Communication Association theme book series, 233-255. New York: Peter Lang.Parks, P. (2006). Making important news interesting: Reporting public affairs in the 21st century. Portland, OR: Marion Street Press. AWARDS AND HONORSSecond place faculty paper, Media Ethics Division: Affective Ethics: Toward a More Comprehensive Definition of Journalism. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, 2023.Top Reviewer for the History Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, May 2023.Nominated for central Professional Freedom and Responsibility Committee of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, February 2023.College of Communication Arts and Sciences faculty Teaching Fellow, 2022-23.Choosing Joy as Methodology in Journalism Research (2021) named Outstanding Article in Volume 45 of the Journal of Communication Inquiry, the affiliate journal of AEJMCs Cultural and Critical Studies Division, July 2022.Second place faculty paper, History Division: Sometimes it is disastrous to take a single note: Memory and Materiality in U.S. Journalism Textbooks. AEJMC 2022.Joy as a News Value (2021) longlisted for the 2021-22 Bob Franklin Journal Article Award, coordinated by the journals Journalism Studies, Digital Journalism, and Journalism Practice. HYPERLINK "https://twitter.com/journstudies/status/1502357135627325449?lang=en"https://twitter.com/journstudies/status/1502357135627325449?lang=enNominated by the College of Communication Arts and Sciences for university-wide MSU Teacher-Scholar Award, Fall 2022 and Fall 2021.Nominated for central Teaching Committee of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, December 2020.Exceptional Service to the History Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, for behind-the-scenes commitment to advance the importance of journalism history through public relations initiatives. August 2020.Michigan State University HUB for Innovation in Learning and Technology faculty fellow, 2019-2020.First Place Student Paper (tie), History Division: Textbook news values: A century of stability and change. AEJMC 2018.Third Place Student Paper (Eason top papers prize), Communicating Science, Health, Environment and Risk Division (ComSHER): From sensation to stigma: Changing standards for suicide coverage in journalism textbooks, 1894-2016. AEJMC 2018.MSU Excellence-in-Teaching Citation, awarded to six graduate teaching assistants university-wide annually. February 2018.Third Place Student Paper, Cultural & Critical Studies Division: Non-representational news: An intervention against pseudo-events. AEJMC 2017.Co-author (with Bruno Takahashi) on First Place Faculty Paper, Scholastic Journalism Division: Students experiences in an environmental journalism masters program: An application of knowledge-based journalism principles. AEJMC 2017.Outstanding Doctoral Student, Michigan State University School of Journalism. 2015.Rachel Carson Award for Outstanding Graduate Student, Knight Center for Environmental Journalism, Michigan State University. 2015.Top Student Paper, History Division: Summer for the scientists? The Scopes trial and the pedagogy of journalism. AEJMC 2014.Dixie Lee Connor Award, Exceptional Childrens Writing, for fiction manuscript Kicking and Screaming: 2009 Harriette Austin Writers Conference, Athens, Ga. First Place, Childrens Literature, for fiction manuscript Caroline in Georgia: 2008 Sandhills Writers Conference, Augusta, Ga.Associated Collegiate Press Pacemaker award, considered the Pulitzer of college journalism, won by The State News in 2003 and 2006, while I was editorial adviser.Freedom Forum journalism scholarship for graduate students, 1993. One of 19 students awarded nationwide.Josephine B. and Newton N. Minow Prize in Communication, Medill School of Journalism, 1992.REFEREED CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONSParks, P. (2024, August). Not the Whole Story: The On Being Podcast and Journalism as a Healing Art. Poster presented in the Cultural and Critical Studies Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication conference, Philadelphia.Parks, P. (2023, August). Affective Ethics: Toward a More Comprehensive Definition of Journalism. Paper accepted for the Media Ethics Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication conference, Washington, D.C. (Second place faculty paper)Parks, P. (2023, May). Find the Joy: Affect and Immanence in a News Correspondents Tweets from Ukraine. Paper presented in the Journalism Studies Division of the International Communication Association, Toronto, Ontario.Parks, P. (2022, August). Sometimes it is disastrous to take a single note: Memory and Materiality in U.S. Journalism Textbooks. Paper presented in the History Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication conference, Detroit. (Second place faculty paper)Parks, P. and Mari, W. (2022, May). Conceiving CAR: Optimism, materialism, and technological determinism in computer-assisted reporting textbooks, c. 1980-2010. Paper presented in the Journalism Studies Division of the International Communication Association conference, Paris.Parks, P. (2022, May). Oil companies cant make money: CNN 10, news for kids, and neoliberal hegemony. Paper presented in the Journalism Studies Division of the International Communication Association conference, Paris.Creech, B. and Parks, P. (2021, August). Promises granted: Venture philanthropy and the tech industrys increasing authority over the journalism field. Poster presented in the Newspaper and Online News Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication virtual conference.Parks, P. (2020, August). Using micro-writing assignments for qualitative assessment in media lecture classes. Paper presented in the Scholastic Journalism Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication virtual conference.Hautea, S., Parks, P., Takahashi, B. and Zeng, J. (2020, August). Mother Earth, memes, and multi-modality: Expressive depictions of climate change on TikTok. Paper presented in the Communicating Science, Health, Environment and Risk Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication virtual conference. Mari, W. and Parks, P. (2019, October). Teaching CAR: The Computer-Assisted Reporting movement as seen in journalism textbooks, c. 1980-2000. Work-in-progress presented by Mari at the American Journalism Historians Association conference, Dallas, Texas.Parks, P. (2019, August). Toward a Humanistic Turn for a More Ethical Journalism. Paper presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication conference, Toronto, Ontario.Parks, P. (2019, May). Joy is a news value. Extended abstract presented in the Journalism Studies Division of the International Communication Association conference, Washington, D.C.Parks, P. (2019, May). Researching with our hair on fire: Three frameworks for rethinking news in a post-normative era. Paper presented in the Journalism Studies Division of the International Communication Association conference, Washington, D.C.Parks, P. (2019, May). The ultimate news value: Journalism textbooks, the discourse of the U.S. presidency, and the normalization of Donald Trump. Paper presented in the Journalism Studies Division of the International Communication Association conference, Washington, D.C.Parks, P. (2018, August). Textbook news values: A century of stability and change. Presented at the 2018 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) conference, Washington, D.C. (First place student paper [tie], History Division).Parks, P. (2018, August). From sensation to stigma: Changing standards for suicide coverage in journalism textbooks, 1894-2016. Poster presented at the 2018 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) conference, Washington, D.C. (Third Place, Eason Prize for top student paper; Communicating Science, Health, Environment and Risk [ComSHER] Division).Parks, P. (2018, August). The discipline-autonomy paradox: How journalism textbooks construct reporters freedom just to tear it down. Presented at the 2018 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) conference, Washington, D.C. Parks, P. (2017, August). Non-representational news: An intervention against pseudo-events. Presented at the 2017 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication conference, Chicago. (Third place student paper, Cultural & Critical Studies Division).Takahashi, B. and Parks, P. (2017, August). Students experiences in an environmental journalism masters program: An application of knowledge-based journalism principles. Presented at the 2017 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication conference, Chicago. (Top faculty paper, Scholastic Journalism Division).Parks, P. (2017, August). Is climate change a crisis and who says so? An analysis of climate characterization in major news media. Presented at the 2017 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication conference, Chicago.Parks, P. (2017, May). Crisis continued: How cable news cant let a good emergency go. Presented at the 2017 International Communication Association annual conference, San Diego, California.Parks, P. (2016, August). Silent Spring, loud legacy: How elite media helped establish an environmentalist icon. Presented at the 2016 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota.McDevitt, M., Benn, J., Parks, P., Stalker, J., Huang, T., and Lerner, K. (2016, August). Anti-intellectualism among students in journalism and communication: A developmental perspective. Presented at the 2016 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota.Parks, P. (2016, June): We know how to communicate with power. We just dont do it. Non-representational theory can help. Presented at the 2016 International Communication Association annual conference, Fukuoka, Japan.Parks, P. (2015, May). Jennifer Lawrence, celebrity interviews, and the butt-plugging of the public sphere. Presented at the 2015 International Communication Association annual conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico.Wojdynski, B. and Parks, P. (2015, May). The second digital revolution: U.S. newspapers design for the mobile web. Presented at the 2015 International Communication Association annual conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico.Parks, P. (2014, August). Summer for the scientists? The Scopes trial and the pedagogy of journalism. Presented at the 2014 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication annual conference, Montreal, Canada. (Top student paper, History Division.)Parks, P. (2014, August). A collaborative approach to experiential learning in university newswriting and editing classes: A case study. Presented at the 2014 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication annual conference, Montreal, Canada.UNIVERSITY TEACHINGAssistant Professor, School of Journalism: College of Communication Arts and Sciences, Michigan State University: Fall 2018 to presentJRN 804 Journalism Studies Seminar: Fall 2024, Fall 2023Masters level class introducing students to theory, methods, and literature central to journalism studiesCAS 990 Independent Study: Fall 2024 (3 credits); Fall 2022 (3 credits); Summer 2022 (1 credit), Spring 2022 (2 credits), Summer 2018 (3 credits)CAS 916 Qualitative Research Methods: Spring 2024Doctoral level overview course of qualitative research methods and relevant social-cultural theory.JRN 200 Writing and Reporting News: Fall 2023, Fall 2020, Spring 2019Introductory skills course focusing on basic news judgment, interviewing, AP style, story types and structuresJRN 108 The World of Media: Spring 2023, Fall 2022, Spring 2022, Fall 2021, Spring 2021, Fall 2020, Spring 2020, Fall 2019Introductory survey lecture course covering all aspects of mediaJRN 325 History of Journalism: Spring 2023, Spring 2022Small lecture/large seminar of 60 studentsCAS 991 Ways of Knowing: Fall 2022, Fall 2021Jointly taught doctoral course on theory and epistemologyCAS 892 Textual and Discourse Analysis Methods in Media: Summer 2021Special topics course for graduate students (1 credit)JRN 300 Multimedia Writing and Reporting: Spring 2021Experientially oriented class emphasizing community beat reporting and public affairs newsCAS 992 Textual Analysis and Discourse Analysis in Media: Fall 2019Doctoral level theory/methods courseJRN 430 News Media Law and Ethics: Spring 2019Seminar course covering both the legal and ethical aspects of journalism practiceJRN 407 Advanced Reporting: Fall 2018Course surveying multiple dimensions of advanced reportingGraduate Teaching Assistant: College of Communication Arts and Sciences, Michigan State University: Fall 2014 to Spring 2018 JRN 400 Spartan Digital Newsroom (as adjunct): Fall 2017, Spring 2018 One of three instructors in team-taught capstone course featuring students demonstration of multimedia journalism skills JRN 425 History of Journalism (online only): Summer 2017Instructor of record for online senior-level seminar covering key themes, people, and events in U.S. journalism historyJRN 420 Capital News Service: Spring 2015, Spring 2017Instructor and bureau chief for service covering Michigan state government, politics, and public policy for about 30 professional newspapers throughout the stateJRN 407 Computer-Assisted Reporting/Advanced Reporting: Fall 2016, Fall 2015Instructor of record for course focused on data-driven journalismJRN 300 Writing and Reporting News II: Spring 2016, Fall 2014Instructor of record for experientially oriented class emphasizing community beat reporting and public affairs news Adjunct Instructor: College of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Georgia: August 2008 to June 2010; Spring 2013JOUR 3510  Editing and DesignLead instructor for a then-required lecture-lab course with up to 80 students per semester. I redesigned the course to focus on critical thinking, writing, editing, posting content to blogs, designing print pages with Adobe InDesign, and exploring the integration of traditional journalistic skills with new media. JRMC 8350 - Graduate Newsroom Helped design and was inaugural co-instructor for this class introducing masters students without journalism experience to the fieldJOUR 3410 - NewswritingTaught lab courses focused on basic reporting and writing skillsAdjunct Instructor: Michigan State University School of Journalism, East Lansing, Mich.: August 2002 - May 2007 JRN 480 - Ethics and the News MediaSenior-level ethics seminar for about two dozen studentsJRN 200 - Writing and Reporting News IEntry-level reporting and writing class GRANT LEADERSHIPCo-Principal Investigator. (2022, August). MSU Office of Research and Innovation Climate Change Research Support Program. Internal seed grant proposal. With Adam Mayer (Principal Investigator). Award sought: $19,110. (FUNDED).Principal Investigator. (2022, August). Templeton Foundation. Teaching joy-based news values in a university journalism program. (Online Funding Inquiry #FI-25334). Award sought: $62,031. (Full proposal not requested).Co-Principal Investigator. (2022, February). National Science Foundation. Understanding the interplay between regime resistance, media and partisanship in the U.S. energy transition (proposal #2218512). With Adam Mayer (Principal Investigator). Award sought: $323,360.70 (Not funded).Principal Investigator (Director). (2020, September). National Endowment for the Humanities. Planning grant: Filling local news deserts with humanities-oriented interdisciplinary journalism (proposal # 47586). With M. Stamm (co-investigator); E. Louson, L. Apol, K. Brooks, S. Vasko, E. Freedman, D. Poulson, and C. Boodoo. Award sought: $35,000. (Not funded).Principal Investigator. (2020, October). Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Emerging Scholars Grant. Tapping humanities expertise to expand journalistic epistemology and promote interdisciplinary journalism (proposal #00510820). Award sought: $3,500. (Not funded)Co-Principal Investigator (Research team member). (2020, July). Creating Inclusive Excellence at MSU (internal). Enhancing inclusive excellence in student research participation. With B. Holtz, K. Thorson, Y.A. Argyris, L. G. McKenzie, K. Mitchell. Award sought: $40,127.50. (FUNDED at $13,375.00).Co-Principal Investigator (2020, June). Spencer Foundation. Toward culturally sustaining pedagogy in international online training programs (proposal #45706). With R. Mouro (P.I.), J. Walgren. Award sought: $49,968.95. (Not funded.)Principal Investigator (Director). (2019, September). National Endowment for the Humanities. Planning grant: Filling local news deserts with humanities-oriented interdisciplinary journalism (proposal # 40276). With M. Stamm (co-investigator); E. Louson, L. Apol, S. Vasko, E. Freedman, D. Poulson, and C. Boodoo. Award sought: $35,000. (Not funded).Co-Principal Investigator (Key leader). (2018, December). Knight Foundation. Center for digital information equality. With K. Thorson, R. Mouro, E. Rader, J. Bauer. Award sought: $7,292,813.48. (Not funded).Principal Investigator (Director). (2018, October). National Endowment for the Humanities. Planning grant: Filling local news deserts with students interdisciplinary journalism in the humanities and sciences (proposal # 34491). With M. Stamm (co-investigator); J. Rojewski, E. Freedman, D. Poulson, and B. Takahashi. Award sought: $35,000. (Not funded).Principal Investigator. (2018, October). Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research Eco Support funding. With E. Freedman and D. Poulson (Co-PIs). Award Sought: $2,000. (FUNDED).Participant, National Science Foundation Spring Grants Conference, Detroit, Michigan, June 4-5, 2018. Participant, National Science Foundation Broader Impacts Workshop, East Lansing, Michigan, May 9-10, 2018. Michigan State University Dissertation Completion Fellowship, Spring Semester 2017: $6,000.ACADEMIC SERVICE National service:Editorial board, Journalism Practice, 2020-present.Division Head, AEJMC Cultural and Critical Studies, 2021-22. Vice head, 2020-2021.Co-Guest Editor, Mass Communication and Society special issue: Media and the Future of Democracy: Theoretical, Empirical, and Comparative Approaches, 2021-2022. With Michael McDevitt and Stephanie Craft.Social Media coordinator for Journalism History podcasts, 2019-2021.Social Media Administrator/Membership Committee/Executive Committee member, AEJMC History Division, 2018-2020.Judge, AEJMC Tankard Book Award (first round), 2019-2020; 2018-2019.Service to the College of Communication Arts and Sciences:Certified Peer Teaching Observer, January 2023-presentInformation and Media Ph.D. Speaker Series Organizing Committee, May 2021-presentSearch Committee - Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Education, Summer 2023Nomination coordinator for Ph.D. student Tara Meysns successful 2023 all-university Excellence in Teaching Citation application, September 2022.Research Advisory Committee, May 2021-May 2022Ad hoc Research Ethics Committee, Fall 2019-Spring 2021Screening committee for Excellence in Teaching Citation, Fall 2020Journalism School student representative, MIS Welcome Day, February 2015 and February 2016Service to the School of JournalismDirector of Graduate Programs, August 2024-present. Responsible for directing Journalism School Masters program and managing the Ph.D. process for Information & Media Ph.D. students with Journalism School affiliation. Chair, Undergraduate Affairs Committee, August 2023-May 2024. Responsible for coordinating curriculum redesign process for undergraduate Journalism major.Co-coordinator of Journalism Schools teaching observation program, Fall 2022-May 2024Faculty Search Committee, July 2021-Spring 2023Research and Ph.D. Program Committee, August 2021-August 2023Scholarship evaluator, January 2023Ph.D. admissions committee, Jan-Feb. 2021Standing committee on undergraduate affairs, Fall 2018-Spring 2021Neal Shine ethics lectures committee, 2019-2020Reappointment, Promotion & Tenure document review committee, 2018-2020Student member, faculty search committee, Summer and Fall 2015PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES AND COMMUNITY SERVICEJournal peer reviewing:Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly: 2024, 2020, 2019Digital Journalism: 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021Discourse & Communication: 2024Journalism: 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021Journal of Media Ethics: 2024Journalism Practice: 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018International Journal of Communication: 2024, 2023Environmental Communication: 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2019, 2017Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences: 2024, 2023Emerging Media, 2024Journalism History: 2024Political Communication: 2023New Media and Society: 2023Mass Communication and Society: 2023, 2021Science Communication: 2023Journalism & Mass Communication Educator: 2023, 2017Journalism Studies: 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018The Communication Review: 2022Review of Policy Research: 2022Journal of Loss & Trauma: 2021Modern American History, 2020Conference peer reviewing:Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication conference, History Division: 2024, 2023, 2021, 2020, 2019. (Top reviewer, 2023)Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication conference, Cultural and Critical Studies Division: 2024, 2023, 2022, 2020, 2019.Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication conference, Law and Policy Division, 2023.International Communication Association conference, Journalism Studies Division: 2022, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication conference, Scholastic Journalism Division: 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018.Other service activities:Faculty Affiliate, MSU Center for Interdisciplinarity (now CIRCLE), October 2021-present.Organizing judge for several student and professional categories, Great Plains Journalism Awards, spring 2019.Judge, Michigan Interscholastic Press Association, high school and middle school newspaper and online content, 2015-2019.Board of Directors, The State News, Michigan State Universitys independent student news organization, September 2014 to July 2018. Elected President for 2016-2017, 2017-2018. Served as Secretary of the board and Chairman of the Facilities and Technology Committee, 2015-2016. Led successful search for the organizations first new general manager in nearly two decades.Judge, Georgia Scholastic Press Association newspaper contest, 2009-2010.Board of Directors, Michigan Collegiate Press Association, 2003-2007. Served as chairman of the Legal Affairs Committee circa 2006. Programming coordinator, 2006 summer editors conference, Western Association of University Publications Managers.Co-organizer, Michigan Collegiate Press Association fall workshop for students in 2004 and spring advisers retreat in 2005.Professional development activities:Participant, HYPERLINK "https://thegradingconference.com/"the Grading Conference. National Science Foundation-supported online conference focused on alternative grading practices, June 2024.Participant, Beyond Buzzwords: The Practice of Ungrading, through MSU Center for Teaching and Learning Innovation. April 4, 2023.Participant, Embedded Borders. Journalism School implicit bias workshop, Spring 2021.Participant, November 4th & Beyond: Equity, Teaching, & Classroom Dialogue After the 2020 Election. Webinar, Oct. 29, 2020.Participant, MSU Summer Intensive on Community Engaged Scholarship. East Lansing, MI, June 3-7, 2019.Participant, Investigative Reporters and Editors 2015 Norman Data Watchdog Workshop, Norman, OK, September 2015.Participant, via competitive application,  HYPERLINK "http://journalists.org/event/ona-dcamp-nc-mobile/" Online News Association dCamp NC: Mobile a professionally oriented workshop to discuss and develop ideas for mobile-first news. Chapel Hill, N.C., Feb. 7, 2014.INVITED PRESENTATIONS, WORKSHOPS, AND MEDIA APPEARANCESDiscussant: In Our Own Backyard: How Press Portrayals Informed Public Perceptions of People and Issues. History Division, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication conference, Philadelphia, August 2024.Panelist: Joy and Local Journalism: Using Participatory Community Events for Engagement. Participatory Journalism Interest Group and Cultural and Critical Studies Division, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication conference, Philadelphia, August 2024.Panelist: Getting Curricularly Creative. Scholastic Journalism Division and Commission on the Status of Graduate Education, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication conference, Philadelphia, August 2024.Panelist: The Future of Academic Publishing. History Division, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication conference, Philadelphia, August 2024.Interviewed about joy research for Triple Pundits The Solutions Effect, a monthly newsletter covering the best of solutions journalism in the sustainability and social impact space, April 2024. HYPERLINK "https://www.triplepundit.com/story/2024/joy-newsworthy-journalists/800646"https://www.triplepundit.com/story/2024/joy-newsworthy-journalists/800646Joy-focused research featured in The Amplifier, newsletter for a public-media funded community engagement project, April 2024. HYPERLINK "https://us5.campaign-archive.com/?u=3e3eedd7759ce977c7eaff222&id=42a8d86bf8"https://us5.campaign-archive.com/?u=3e3eedd7759ce977c7eaff222&id=42a8d86bf8Presenter: A Conversation on Ungrading. ComArtSci Center for Teaching and Learning workshop. East Lansing, Michigan. October 27, 2023.Discussant: Gender, Race, and Class: Marginal Identities and Media Ambivalence. History Division, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication conference, Washington, D.C. August 2023.Session chair: What Journalists (Should) Know: How Journalism Training Is, or Should Be, Evolving. International Communication Association conference, Toronto, Canada. May 2023.Quoted as expert source on local news deserts, Circulation plummets to all-time low at Lansing State Journal. Lansing City Pulse. Dec. 8, 2021.  HYPERLINK "https://lansingcitypulse.com/stories/circulation-plummets-to-all-time-low-at-lansing-state-journal,19192" https://lansingcitypulse.com/stories/circulation-plummets-to-all-time-low-at-lansing-state-journal,19192Quoted as expert source on TikTok, Kentucky Democrats use TikTok to make inroads with young voters. Louisville (Ky.) Courier Journal. August 12, 2021. Service talk: Responsible Conduct of Research: Authorship and Publication for College of Communication Arts and Sciences graduate students. Feb. 15, 2021.Moderator: ComArtSci Virtual Talks: Political Coverage in the Pandemic. Zoom panel with MSU alumni Steve Eder, Dante Chinni, and Annah Backstrom Aschbrenner. November 2020.  HYPERLINK "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RuEYAcLGfcY&feature=youtu.be" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RuEYAcLGfcY&feature=youtu.bePanelist: Media and Culture: An AEJMC Cultural and Critical Studies Division Podcast. Episode 1: Donald Trump and the Carnivalesque. With Bob Trumpbour and Shaheed Nick Mohammed. October 2020.  HYPERLINK "https://aejmc.us/ccs/podcast/" https://aejmc.us/ccs/podcast/Panelist: U.S. News Media and Democratic Backsliding: How Did We Get Here? Is Journalism Complicit? With M. McDevitt, K. Lerner, and B. Grabe. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication online conference, August 2020.Discussant: Commodifying Collective Memory, Racism and Cultural Identities and Journalistic Practice, Professional Identity and Depictions of Marginalized People in Media. Cultural and Critical Studies Division, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication online conference, August 2020.Panelist: The J-Word: A podcast by Journalism Practice. (2020, July 27). Episode 2; Covering Race, Protest, and Trumps Carnival. With Robert E. Gutsche Jr. and Danielle Kilgo.  HYPERLINK "https://thejword.buzzsprout.com/1208318/4735388" https://thejword.buzzsprout.com/1208318/4735388Service talk: Responsible Conduct of Research: Authorship and Publication for College of Communication Arts and Sciences graduate students. Feb. 11, 2020.Invited talk, Journalism and Humanities-Oriented Research. TE 939, Feb. 26, 2019.Invited workshop presenter, Journalistic Writing for Scientists. MSU SciComm student group. Feb. 19, 2019.Presenter, 10 Things I Hate about High School Newspapers. Michigan Scholastic Press Association Fall Conference. October 22, 2018.Invited speaker, Journalists Can Do Whatever They Want. So Why Do They Act Like They Cant? MSU ComArtSci inaugural Communication on Tap event. March 13, 2018.Invited speaker, catalyst talk, Visioning the Future of Doctoral Training in ComArtSci. MSU College of Communication Arts and Sciences, Nov. 10, 2017.Invited speaker, The Job Interview. National Association of Black Journalists MSU Chapter Speed Branding event, Nov. 14, 2017.Invited Panelist (via Skype),  HYPERLINK "http://www.rjionline.org/downhomedemocracy/policy-over-politics" Policy over politics: How to make election news engaging and relevant by involving citizens and focusing on issues. Down-Home Democracy workshop, Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute, Columbia, Mo., Jan. 31, 2014.Invited Panelist, Discussion of new media and new media business models. Program for Murrow Fellows, sponsored by the James M. Cox Center for International Mass Communication Training and Research, Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Georgia, Georgia Center for International Visitors, Athens, Ga., Nov. 5, 2013.Presenter, Peer Editing. Georgia Scholastic Press Association, Athens, Ga., Oct. 3, 2013Keynote speaker, Georgia Scholastic Press Association awards luncheon, Athens, Ga., May 2011.Presenter, Making Important News Interesting. Associated Collegiate Press/College Media Advisers National College Media Convention, St. Louis, Mo., October 2006.Presenter, Making Important News Interesting. Associated Collegiate Press/College Media Advisers National College Media Convention, Kansas City, October 2005.Presenter, Make Important Stories More Interesting. Associated Collegiate Press/College Media Advisers National College Media Convention, Nashville, Tenn., November 2004.Co-presenter, Goal Setting for the Beginning Adviser. Associated Collegiate Press/College Media Advisers convention in Dallas, Texas, November 2003. PROFESSIONAL JOURNALISM EXPERIENCERegional Editor: Patch.comSeptember 2010 to May 2013Managed 15 editors responsible for editorial content of 17 hyperlocal and regional news and information websites in Northeast Georgia, including Athens, Barrow, Oconee, Gwinnett and Walton counties; plus the military-based Patches Fort Bragg and Fort Stewart. Each site was part of a national network of more than 900 Patch sites under parent company AOL. Sites focused on multimedia presentation of local news and events, and on building community through user engagement, social media, search engine optimization and data analysis.Freelance Copy Editor: Michigan State University School of Journalism, East Lansing, Mich.August 2007Edited the schools report for the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communications. Editorial Adviser: The State News, East Lansing, Mich.April 2002 - June 2007Guided about 80 student journalists each semester in planning, reporting, editing, and designing a five-day-a-week newspaper and 24/7 website, serving Michigan State University and the Lansing area. Also helped administer newsroom budget and was responsible for maintaining and updating alumni association website. Chesapeake City Editor: The Virginian-Pilot, Norfolk, Va.October 2000 - March 2002 Led bureau covering growing city of 200,000 people with mainsheet stories, breaking online news updates and a twice-weekly community tab. Led coverage of 2001 special congressional race.Interim Editor, Public Safety Team: The Virginian-Pilot, Norfolk, Va.May - October 2000With assistant editor, supervised nine reporters covering crime and courts in four cities. The team generated more than 100 breaking news, enterprise and brief stories a month. Was lead editor on three-part series, Facing Freedom, that tied with the Washington Post for first place for the National Association of Black Journalists 2001 enterprise reporting award.Metro and State Editor: The Virginian-Pilot, Norfolk, Va.August 1998 - May 2000Led team of editors in organizing and directing the papers local news report. Team maintained news budgets; ran news meetings; assigned and edited news and business stories; directed story play; coordinated breaking news coverage; planned long-term projects; and was liaison with photo, graphics, designers, and online/TV partners. Also supervised three Richmond-based state reporters.Day Metro Editor: The Virginian-Pilot, Norfolk, Va.August 1997 - August 1998Primary editor responsible for daily news budget and daily news meeting, including consulting with online and television producers.Night Metro Editor: The Virginian-Pilot, Norfolk, Va.June 1996 - August 1997Assigned and edited late stories; ran Saturday news desk; worked with designers and copy editors on story presentation, headlines, and other display type.Staff Writer: The Virginian-Pilot, Norfolk, Va.January 1994 - May 1996Covered city hall, police, schools and general assignment in Elizabeth City, N.C., bureau with occasional assignments on North Carolinas Outer Banks. Took on editing responsibilities for weekly community tabloid, The Coast.Student Correspondent: Medill News Service, Washington, D.C.September - December 1993Worked as correspondent for The Capital Times of Madison, Wis. Covered state congressional delegation and localized stories from the White House and Capitol.News Copy Editing Intern: The Cincinnati Enquirer, Cincinnati, OhioJune - September 1993Edited local and wire stories, wrote headlines and cutlines for the papers copy desk.SELECTED PROFESSIONAL PUBLICATIONSParks, P. (2024). Why journalists shouldnt be neutral on climate change. Zcalo. HYPERLINK "https://www.zocalopublicsquare.org/2024/08/12/journalists-shouldnt-be-neutral-climate-change/ideas/essay/"https://www.zocalopublicsquare.org/2024/08/12/journalists-shouldnt-be-neutral-climate-change/ideas/essay/Parks, P. (2019). Science and Art: Antagonists or Allies? (Blog post). MSU SciComm.  HYPERLINK "https://www.msuscicomm.org/post/science-and-art-antagonists-or-allies" https://www.msuscicomm.org/post/science-and-art-antagonists-or-alliesParks, P. (Feb. 27, 2008). Political journalists, pick a side. Committee of Concerned Journalists. Parks, P. (November 2007). The problem with going hyperlocal. Committee of Concerned Journalists e-newsletter.Parks, P. (October 2006). Public affairs coverage doesnt have to be boring. Publishers Auxiliary, 13.Parks, P. (March 2006). Former high school journalist fights for student First Amendment rights (opinion column on behalf of the Michigan Collegiate Press Association). Stet, the Michigan Interscholastic Press Association newsletter, 8. (Reprinted from the Michigan Press Association Bulletin, Feb. 9, 2006.) Parks, P. (Spring 2004). Engaging citizens: How student media can help readers engage in democracy. College Media Review, 2-5.Parks, P. (2004, Feb. 29). See racism at face value: Unfortunate realities understood when placed in others shoes (op-ed column). 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