betboom dacha dubai

betboom dacha dubai

MSU Alumna Honda Carter, who earned a degree in Journalism, B.A, is already taking her career by storm despite his recent graduation during a pandemic in 2020. Since February of 2020, Carter has been working as a News Producer at NBC25 and FOX66 in Flint, Mi. During her time at MSU, she worked as a multimedia journalist for Focal Point News and was a team member for the MSU ComArtSci Street Team. Carter was also the Vice President of the MSU Chapter of the National Association of Black Journalists her junior year.

At Michigan State University, we invited her to share her experiences in a Q&A with ComArtSci.

betboom dacha dubai

A. I would say being a Spartan gives me the most pride. I've wanted to attend Michigan State University since grade school and when I was accepted, it was the most exciting moment of my life.

Q. What inspires you to work toward your goals and accomplishments?

betboom teamA. My parents inspire me to work towards my goals because they've supported me my entire life on a low income. They rarely ever told my sister and I no, even when it was hard to make ends meet. For that, I am grateful and will continue to work until they don't have to.

Q. Could you describe a typical day in your professional life?

 A. I report to work at 1 p.m., our team has a 1 p.m. meeting to discuss plans for the day, I begin organizing my 6 p.m. show, read emails, our team has another 3 p.m. meeting, then I finish organizing and writing my show. After my 6 p.m. show, I take a lunch break then come back to organize and write my next show at 11 p.m.

Q. What are some of the greatest challenges and opportunities working in your field?

A. The greatest challenges in my field are decision-making, composure, and time management. The opportunities in my field are very broad. I love how my skills in one position can transition into a dozen others. If I decide I want to be a reporter, editor, photog, or even a public relations rep. at my next position, I can confidently apply because I learned those skills.

Q. What would you consider to be the defining point in your life or career?

A. The defining point in my career was producing my first show in Flint. Knowing that mid-michigan residents were tuning in to my show at 6 for the latest news, made me feel like I had a purpose.

Q. What is the most important lesson you have learned along the way?

A. The most important lesson I learned was to be confident in my decision-making. I learned that if I'm not confident in myself, my team members can't be confident either.

Q. What opportunities did you have at MSU or ComArtSci that helped you get where you are today?

A. Being a reporter and producer in Focal Point really helped make the decision to become a producer betboom dacha dubaiafter college. It helped me realize that my passion wasn't being a reporter, it was being in the news business.

Q. How do you give back to your community or motivate others to work toward the common good?

A. I give back to my community by offering mentorship and advice to MSU and high school students. I love helping the students behind me whenever I have the opportunity so I can help encourage and uplift them on their journey.

Q. What advice would you give to MSU and ComArtSci students?

A. My advice to MSU ComArtSci students is to get in where you fit in. Don't turn down an opportunity because it doesn't fit in your dream career. Take every opportunity to network with as many people as possible while in college. In the end, you may be able to call on those same people for help.

Q. If you could offer a message of comfort or support, what would you say directly to students who are studying at MSU in these uncertain times?

A. Try to look at the glass as half full, rather than half empty. Tell yourself you're almost to the finish line, instead of thinking about how far away you are. Positivity goes a long way!

By Demetria Bias

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