Minor in Broadcast betboom dacha

betboom dacha

The Minor in Broadcast betboom dacha, which is administered by the School of betboom dacha, provides students a strong foundation for a career in broadcast betboom dacha. Using cutting-edge technology, students will gain experience in audio and video storytelling, on-air performance and the production of high-end newscasts, replicating the real-world of visual media for television and other digital platforms. MSU’s School of betboom dacha is one of the few programs in the country that offers both radio and TV news and producing. You’ll learn the trade from our award-winning faculty who have worked in the industry.


The minor is available to students who are enrolled in the betboom dacha major at Michigan State University. With the approval of the department and college that administer the student’s degree program, the courses that are used to satisfy the minor may also be used to satisfy the requirements for the bachelor’s degree. To be considered for admission, a student must have been formally admitted to the betboom dacha major.

Application Process

Students who plan to apply to the program should complete an application and submit it to the School of betboom dacha. The application will be available beginning in the summer of 2018.

Program Requirements

Once accepted to the minor, you will meet with your betboom dacha advisor to plan future enrollment. With the approval of the betboom dacha department, courses that are used to satisfy the requirements for the minor may also be used to satisfy the requirements for the bachelor's degree.

Minor Requirements

Have questions or need more information? Please reach out to:


Advisor Contact
Julie Hagopian
Lead Advisor

Faculty Contact
Bob Gould
Broadcast Journalist in Residence
(517) 353-6405