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Growing up, Journalism senior Brittany Waugh found herself constantly betboom teaminspired by the work of BET (Black Entertainment Television) Network. She was always interested in working with a platform she saw as a strong black influence. So when Brittany learned of an opportunity to attend a career fair where BET representatives would be present, she knew she had to take advantage of it. Determined not to miss her chance, she hopped on a train to New York City. 20 hours later, she arrived--ready to pursue her dream and make herself known in the television industry. After 3 interviews and a 30 minute assignment, Brittany Waugh was offered a position in Viacom’s Campus to Career Program. 

Embarking on this big career move, Brittany Waugh joined the social media and digital video team. She was tasked with curating content such as tweets, instagram posts, and other posts on a variety of platforms which gave her experience in graphic design. These posts were highlighted on the main social media pages of BET network. 

Waugh set herself apart by making sure to get to work early every morning to assist other teams and make herself an asset to anyone who needed assistance. 

During her time with the company, Waugh was able to participate in the BET awards, where she got a behind-the-scenes look at every detail that went into putting on a successful awards show. She worked in the radio booth alongside representatives from every major radio station across the country. Her passion helped her keep resolve and remain professional even when betboom dachain the presence of celebrities and role models such as Iggy Azalea. 

This internship experience helped Brittany Waugh grow professionally and gain a new level of perspective and confidence about her skills. She attributes her success to her pivotal decision to take a risk and follow her dreams. She would like to empower other students within ComArtSci to do the same. 

“We are young. Take risks,” said Waugh. “Never be scared to put yourself out there. Spending money to invest in your future is an investment in yourself. You are worth it.”

By Megan Nehrkorn