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Exploring MSU’s rich history and connection with our partners in Africa, ComArtSci will be hosting three days of events to celebrate the Year of Global Africa.

The festival will host an abundance of activities from art and photography, to African cuisine and films. Highlighting Africa’betboom dachas contributions from the artistic to scientific from this continent, this event aims to raise awareness of the African presence at MSU. The three-day long festival begins Thursday, Oct. 11 at 3 p.m., with events running until 9 p.m. each day. 

"Windows to Africa keep opening as I learn about ComArtSci faculty and student projects on the continent," said Geri Zeldes, the event's co-organizer. "I had no idea! I hope attendees of the three-day festival, too, are amazed by the projects and the people who will be featured."

Three Days of Celebration

The first day of events will focus on creative arts and include a poetry performance, an introduction by Journalism graduate student Gloria Nzeka, a farming discussion by Dave Poulson, photography exhibitions with Darcy Greene and Judy Walgren, and a screening of the film “La Pirogue,” directed by Moussa Toure alongside a handful of other events.

The second day will focus on changing technologies, with talks from Susan Wyche, James Odede and Jennifer Olson. The film that will be screened is “An Opera of This World,” directed by Manthia Diawara, who will be present and conduct a post-show Q&A with the audience.

The last day of the festival focuses on mobility and creative movement in Africa. Ross Chowles, a South African and ComArtSci AD+PR professor of practice, will also present. In addition, the films, “Amandla,” directed by Lee Hirsch, and “Frontiers,” directed by Moutafa Djadjam, will both be screened.

“If you are curious about the world’s most exciting betboom sports bettingand dynamic continent, these three days are for you,” said Chowles. “My presentation is about what’s happening, creatively speaking, in South Africa.”

Each day will also include a brief reception that will be catered with traditional African cuisine. Both people within and outside of ComArtSci are encouraged to attend.

“This event represents a high point in my journey as a journalism student at Michigan State University,” said Nzeka, who is pursuing a master's degree in the Journalism program at ComArtSci. “I’m excited to be joining ComArtSci in celebrating Africa through innovations in Technology, Arts and Storytelling.”

For more information, you can find the Year of Global Africa event page here.

By Pierce Wiselogle