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Brooke Wylin will graduate this May with a B.A. of Communication and a minor in sales leadership. Wylin has been selected from a competitive pool of applicants to give the 2019 Spring Student Commencement Address. 

“I’ll give it a try,” said Wylin. “I thought to myself, ‘Why not? I have nothing to lose.’” 

Wylin never expected to be the commencement speaker for the College of ComArtSci though. She first came to MSU as a business preference major when she was a freshman, but shortly switched her major to communication.

“I took COM 225, and I felt like I could use it in every aspect of my life,” said Wylin of her decision to switch. 

Wylin explained that her classes at ComArtSci pushed her out of her comfort zone in the best way. Throughout her time here, Wylin has been inspired to grow, not only in her classes but by her friendships as well.

“The friends I’ve made at ComArtSci have kept me motivated,” said Wylin. “I feel like we’re all in this together, and we all experience the ups and downs of college as a group.”

Each opportunity that ComArtSci has provided her, Wylin has seized. For example, her post-graduation job is with British Petroleum’s Sales Challenger Program. Wylin says she first connected with BP in the ComArtSci lobby one day after class.

“Two years later, I have now had an internship with them and will be moving to a full time job,” said Wylin. “It’s something I never expected.”

betboom dacha dubaiWhile Wylin is looking forward to graduation and the opportunity to give the commencement address, it’s bittersweet. She advises her fellow seniors to take each day as it comes, “because we still have two months left to enjoy.” 

To incoming freshman, Wylin advises making the most of your time while it lasts.

“I think I’ll miss the sense of family at ComArtSci the most,” said Wylin. “But I’m excited for the future too.”

The College of ComArtSci 2019 Spring Commencement Ceremony will be held on Friday, May 3 at 7:30pm in the Breslin Student Events Center.

By Marlee Talbot