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School of Journalism Professor Eric Freedman sits at the news desk of TV Pirveli, an independent betboom casino reviewchannel where the dean of the School of Media at Caucasus University hosts two weekly shows. Freedman is a visiting professor at the school, located in the Republic of Georgia, for the 2018 fall semester.
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School of Journalism Professor Eric Freedman picks grapes during harvest season in Kakheti, which is located in the Republic of Georgia's major wine region. Freedman is a visiting professor at the School of Media at Caucasus University, located in the Republic of Georgia, for the 2018 fall semester.

Elementary school students in the Republic of Georgia have the same opportunity this fall that Michigan State University School of Journalism students have year-round: They are learning from, and being inspired by, Eric Freedman.

Freedman, a Knight Chair and Professor at the Michigan State University School of Journalism, is a guest professor at Caucasus University in the city of Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia. Freedman teaches a journalism course called Media & Society, which delves into the connections between coverage of political and environmental news with public awareness and understanding of crucial policy issues.

The first half of his class examines political and campaign coverage leading up to Georgia's presidential election on October 28. After the election, Freedman will focus on the problems and progress regarding environmental topics.

Freedman explains his goals for the class in his blog: "The course is intended to help prepare my students to explain to audiences the public's vital stake in political events and environmental policy issues, and to carry out their professional betboom sports bettingjournalistic responsibilities with fairness, balance, accuracy, clarity and ethics."

Back in East Lansing, Freedman is both the Director of the Knight Center for Environmental Journalism and director of the Capital News Service.

Freedman is chronicling his experience on his blog, which can be viewed here.