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After successfully launching a new major, GameDev at MSU will present a showcase of student-created games betboom dachain a virtual format on Friday, Dec. 18. The Fall Showcase, which is open to the public, will feature work from several classes in the new Games and Interactive Media (GaIM) major.

In 2020, the Fall Showcase will include the launch of the Game Development Studio class’s Charity Game Bundle. The Charity Game Bundle is a collection of five games developed by teams of students during the course of a single semester at MSU.

Many of these teams will be continuing development on these projects, and this is your chance to get a peek at them after an intense semester of development. Join us for the GameDev at MSU Fall Showcase onbetboom dacha dubai

Anyone can join on Twitch:

The five games featured in the Charity Game Bundle include:

  • MAGGi is a 3D puzzle platformer focused on satisfying movement where you control a cute robot with three rocket boosters to explore complex levels. Blast your way to help save your fellow Robo-citizens!
  • Mail Snail is a peaceful puzzle platformer where you play as a snail traversing a charming miniature world to deliver snail mail.
  • Quoth, the Raven is a point and click puzzle game where you play as Edgar Allen Poe's mischievous pet raven wreaking havoc through the streets of 1800s Baltimore to provide inspiration for Poe's stories.
  • Overthrone is a 2D top-down action/adventure game where you play as a knight that throws and recalls a magic sword. Explore the castle, discover magical charms, cut down enemies, and solve puzzles to find and overthrow the evil king.
  • Wingman from the Other Side is a physics-based puzzle platformer where you play as Laramie the ghost of Valentine's Day, who can possess objects to control them. The goal is to use your powers to bring couples together.

The Charity Game Bundle is available online:

All proceeds will be donated to charity during the global pandemic, a time of exceptional need.

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