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Hadley Kerr, advertising management junior, is balancing a full schedule between being enrolled in 15 credits at MSU, serving on the e-board for PRSSA, working as a learning assistant for two classes and spending betboom dacha30 hours a week as a Student Strategist at Piper & Gold Public Relations.

“I can do it because I love it, I think I do best when I’m busy,” said Kerr, when asked how she manages the impressive work load.

Kerr adds that Piper & Gold is extremely accommodating to student’s schedules and provides them with opportunities to work from home when needed.

Securing this internship didn’t come easily for Kerr. She recounts the story, explaining how she applied in December and was originally rejected from the internship program. Piper & Gold suggested she reapply for the summer program. Kerr replied to the email and asked what she could do to improve herself in order to increase her chances of getting an internship in the summer. Piper & Gold was impressed. They gave her feedback and reached out again in February-- offering her a spot as a Student Strategist.

“It taught me that just because you get a no once doesn’t mean the door is completely closed, there’s always opportunity,” said Kerr.

The soon-to-be strategist spent the summer at Piper & Gold where she was exposed to a wide variety of work within public relations. One of Kerr’s highlights from the summer was working on the unveiling of a new exhibit in the Impression 5 Science Center located in downtown Lansing. Kerr had the opportunity to work on a promotional media event, create a compiling press kit and work with influencer relations.

Kerr shared some advice for other students looking for internships.

“Get involved as much as possible in the areas you want to be involved betboom teamin,” said Kerr. “Become a familiar face in clubs, surround yourself with like minded people. People mistake experience for only being official jobs-- you can leverage anything. Once you get one experience, they flood in.”

After a successful summer, Piper & Gold asked Kerr to return during the school year to continue working with the team. She plans to stay with the company through her senior year, saying she feels she has learned so much from Piper & Gold and wants to continue gaining real world experience while earning her degree.

After graduation, Hadley Kerr hopes to move to Chicago and continue working in advertising and public relations.

By Eve DeMeester