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betboom dacha dubai

Olivia Hoover spent her summer in Los Angeles at Fabrik Entertainment betboom dachaas a Development Intern. She held a role in their offices reading various TV or movie pilot scripts that were sent into Fabrik. Olivia was the first individual to make a determination if the script was good enough to move up the rinks for a chance of being picked up and sold to the network. If the scripts captured her attention, she would give them to the development assistant who would pass it to the development executives and eventually up to the CEO.

Even though Olivia spent hours reading scripts in the office, she was exposed and learned more than she expected to. Fabrik would bring in individuals to talk about the industry, answer any questions and teach them about the field. She even learned how to use Adobe InDesign and the process of how a show gets produced from start to end. This internship opened her eyes to the TV industry, which she never considered before. Since the summer, she now has found her passion within TV and found interest in that industry she was unaware of before her internship experience.

While she was in L.A., Olivia went to a networking event that turned into another part-time internship. “Don’t be afraid to reach out and message someone. Nothing just happened, I had to reach out.” Olivia's second internship was with a start-up company call Revry. This second internship was able to carry through the school year for her and does it remotely from Michigan. She is now ahead of the game when it comes to classroom knowledge and experience. Olivia hopes betboom dachato graduate early by her Fabrik internship she did for credit and online classes at MSU. She wants to get back to L.A. as soon as possible.

Moving forward, Olivia feels ready for the workforce. The many “first” in her summer prepared her for the professional field. “There’s no way the internship won’t help me in the future. I learned so many new things and got a running start in the industry.” When asked what some advice would be for students looking for that internship or job she said, “You have to put yourself out there. Be ambitious. Money is out there to help with your dreams and once you’re there, opportunities will pop-up.”