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Congratulations to Lauren Bullock, a CSD MA student who was presented with the 2019-2020 Professional Development Award. The Professional Development Award is through the Counsel Of Graduate Students (COGS), and is intended to support graduate/professional students so they can attend events or engage in activities that enhance their professional development. Lauren will be using this award to fund her attendance to the 2019 ASHA convention in Orlando, Florida this November. Lauren is a second-year MA student in the CSD department studying to be a speech-language pathologist. She's working on her 3rd of 4 clinical placements. These placements have included Early On Michigan, a birth to three-years service provider, The Willows at East Lansing, a skilled nursing facility, and currently East Lansing betboom dacha dubaiHigh school. Lauren hopes to have her final placement this spring in acute care at Ascension Genesys Hospital in Grand Blanc.