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Media and Information major Sidney Anderson spent the past summer as a full-time casting associate for the Robb Company in Los Angeles, California. The Robb Company is a boutique entertainment management company with over 100 actors of all ages located in Koreatown, Los Angeles. The company prepares actors for a successful career in the entertainment industry.

A Lifelong Passion

Anderson has had a passion for entertainment for betboom sports bettingas long as she can remember. She began as a theatre performer at the age of 13, which blossomed into a love for directing and writing. She debuted her passion for theatre at Michigan State University as the assistant director for “Hair” at the Wharton Center in 2014.

“Directors and writers are oversaturated in the industry right now,” Anderson said. “I’m starting a career in talent management to get my foot in the door with this industry. I want to learn the industry from all aspects, then begin my passion for behind-the-scenes work.”

Business Turned Family

Anderson worked as a full-time employee for the Robb Company.  It was an adjustment for Anderson from 4 classes a week to a 40 hour work schedule. Luckily, the company’s welcoming environment made it easy to adjust.

“The company and the actors that we managed were truly one big family,” Anderson said. “The 40-hour weeks flew by because I loved my job and the people I worked with. I was very nervous for a full work load, but I proved to myself I am capable of a lot more than I think.”

Management is about building relationships with your clients, and Anderson made a lot of connections prepping actors for auditions and pitching actors for different TV roles.

The Robb Company is owned by Sherry Robb, who is globally recognized for her work with Michael Jackson, Jimi Hendrix and many others as a literary agent for their biographies. Anderson worked with Robb on an everyday basis, and was inspired every time she left the office.

“Sherry Robb has had over a 50-year career and is still working at the age of 74,” Anderson stated. “The Robb Company betboom sports bettingis all about women empowerment. Every day I worked with strong, creative women, all working for a women-owned business. It was inspiring to see the success of the company in an industry that is predominantly run by men.”


Anderson moved across the country for her three-month internship. Moving to another city, let alone another state, can be overwhelming, but is doable with the right resources.

“If you find the right internship, it is totally worth relocating,” Anderson said. “I formed a love-hate relationship with L.A., but I would go back in heartbeat. It was a culture shock from East Lansing, Michigan. All the stress of moving was worth the experience I had.”

Anderson plans to graduate in May 2018, furthering her career in the entertainment industry to reach her long-term goal of writing and directing.

By Brooke Segal