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MSU School of Journalism professor Bruno Takahashi and co-author Fatima Viteri from the Universidad San Francisco de Quito

Michigan State University School of Journalism professors made a substantial impact at the International Communication Association (ICA) conference. Our presenters returned home safely, bringing research awards, officer positions and scholarly recognition.

Here is a list of the the professors whose work was recognized:

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Chavez, M. The Birth of a Crisis: The Trump Factor on the News Coverage of the U.S. Mexico Border. How Many Voices are There?

Chairing Session: Amid All the Noise: Unheard Voices Along the US-Mexico Border. How the News Media Has Framed the Critical Issues of the Region.

Steve Lacy

Thorson, E., Chen, W. & Lacy, S. Utility of Local News Source Repertoires for Understanding Engagement with Local Community.

Rachel Mourao

Rachel Mourao, Membership Chair, Political Communication Interest Group

Mourao, R. and Robertson, C. Fake News as Centrifugal Diversification: A Content Analysis of Sites That Publish False, Misleading, Hyperpartisan and Sensational Information.

Mourao, R. and Molyneux, L. Tweeting Outside the Lines: Normalization and Fragmentation as Political Reporters Break from the Mainstream.

Edgerly, S., Thorson, E., Tham, S., Mourao, R. Evaluating, fact-checking and detecting misinformation: How headline slant and source influence perceptions of truth and verification behaviors.

Chairing Session: Journalism's Truth Claims.

Bruno Takahashi

Bruno Takahashi, Chair of Environmental Communication

Division Takahashi, B. and Viteri, F. Use of Learning Frames in Climate Change Communication: A Study of Organizations in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Chairing Session: Environmental Communication Graduate Student Preconference.

Chairing Session: Environmental Communication Top Papers.

Chairing Session: Environmental Journalism: Production, Consumption, and Prosumption.

Participant:  Board of Directors Meeting

Esther Thorson

Thorson, E., Chen, W. & Lacy, S. Utility of Local News Source Repertoires for Understanding Engagement with Local Community.

Edgerly, S., Thorson, E., Tham, S., Mourao, R. Evaluating, fact-checking and detecting misinformation: How headline slant and source influence perceptions of truth and verification behaviors.

Choi, H., Thorson, E., & Chen, W. Good Citizen Behaviors and People's Choice of News Media Repertoires.

Shoenberger, H., Skowron, E. & Thorson, E. Reaching Parents At Risk For Child Maltreatment: An Interdisciplinary Experimental Investigation of PSA Type and Level of Self-Regulation.

Respondent: Filter Bubbles: From Academic Debate to Robust Empirical Analysis.

Kjerstin Thorson

Thorson, K.  How Social Inequalities Shape Incidental Exposure to News and Politics Among Young Adults.

Thorson, K. Expression, not Reception: The Strange Case of Counter-Stratification Among Young Adults in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election.

Thorson, K., Cotter, K., Medeiros, M. & Park, C. Digital Traces of Political Interest and Exposure to Political Content on Facebook.

Chairing Session: Digital Media and Participatory Inequality: Toward Counter-Stratification?

Chairing Session: Studying Cross-Cutting Exposure.

Brendan Watson

Watson, B., Zhao P., & Lewis, S. Who Will Intervene to Save News Comments? Deviance and Social Control in Communities of News Commenters.


Weiyue Chen Thorson, E., Chen, W., Lacy, S. Connectivity with a Newspaper and Civic Engagement and Perceptions of Connectivity with a Metro Newspaper.

Choi, H., Thorson, E., & Chen, W. Good Citizen Behaviors and People's Choice of News Media Repertoires.

Ali Hussain

Deng, T., Mengyan, M., Zhao, X., JuYoung, O., Hussain, S., & Alhabash, S. Psychological Well-Being and Selfie Posting on Social Media: Does Posting Selfie Make You Better or Worse?

Park, T., Hussain, S., Yildirim, I., Xiang, Z., & Cockman, A. Virtual Reality-Based Videos to Relieve Depression.

Duygu Kanver Smith, S., Alhabash, S., Kanver, D., Viken, G. & Tan, P. Celebration Drinking Around the Clock.

Zhao Peng

Peng, Z. Reducing Prejudice toward Female Politicians with Meta-Cognitive Model of Ambivalence

Watson, B., Zhao P., & Lewis, S. Who Will Intervene to Save News Comments? Deviance and Social Control in Communities of News Commenters.

Samuel Tham

Edgerly, S., Thorson, E., Tham, S., Mourao, R. Evaluating, fact-checking and detecting misinformation: How headline slant and source influence perceptions of truth and verification behaviors.

Tony Van Witsen

Van Witsen, A. How Daily Journalists Make Decisions About Numbers and Statistics: An Exploratory Study.

Van Witsen, A. Developing Exploratory Variables for a Content Analysis of Statistics in Media Coverage of a Single News Story.