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This past January the MSU StratCom program officially turned 5-years-old.  

In May we celebrated this big milestone by hosting our current and former students, faculty, staff and our College of Communication Arts and Science’s Dean, Prabu David, for a 5th anniversary and graduation picnic.

The event was held underneath a tent outside of the Breslin Center on campus. After the graduation ceremony students joined us for food, speeches, betboom dacha dubaigifts and time spent together – which is appreciated much more when you’re a 100% online program.

College of Communication Arts and Science’s Dean, Prabu David addresses the guests.

“We as humans mark time for important moments,” said Program Director, Jason Archer. “For us to start a program from scratch and arrive at a milestone like five years, that’s a pretty big win.”

Celebrating our students

Coming out of the pandemic we wanted to celebrate the program’s evolution and Archer explains how this picnic was more about celebrating the accomplishments of our students than anything else.

Despite the COVID aftermath, Michigan’s beautiful spring weather (not), and a lot of students balancing having family in town for the commencement ceremony, we had a great group of people join us for the picnic celebration.

It was important to me to make it to the picnic because I believe in the community of this program and university,” said 2022 graduate, Tom Wilbur. “Besides the amazing spread of food, my favorite part was hearing stories from other students and professors, and meeting folks in-person that I had only seen before on Zoom.”

MSU StratCom Graduate, Tom Wilbur sharing a few words of encouragement.


MSU StratCom Graduate, Kasandra Barrow sharing a story with the group.


One of the most heart-warming parts of in-person meetups, that has sort of become a tradition, is passing the microphone around to anyone who wants to say a couple words of encouragement, share a story, or thank a professor.

Relationships first

Over the last half-decade, we’ve accumulated students with a wide range of jobs spanning from working betboom dachain the White House, to NASA, to starting lifestyle brands and opening brick and mortar shops. Archer explains that during this time the best part for him has been creating relationships with all these students.

Current and former MSU StratCom students with ComArtsSci Dean, Prabu David and Program Director, Jason Archer. 


“We started the program with the focus being on the relationship with students,” said Archer. “So, the most rewarding piece for me has been seeing students win, and then pinching myself and going ‘really, I get to hang out with these cool people?’.”

A lot of change, progress and success has happened over the last five years, so taking a moment to pause and reflect on all the students that have come through our *virtual* door is important.

And with that – thank you students, faculty and staff. Cheers to the next five!



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