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Advertising junior Brittany Thomas had an incredible networking experience in September. ComArtSci Assistant Professor Dr. Holtz recognized Thomas’s strong work ethic, drive and passion for her advertising studies and nominated betboom teamher to attend the Multicultural Talent Pipeline in New York City.

The Multicultural Talent Pipeline focuses on providing resources and starting careers of students with multicultural backgrounds in the marketing and advertising industries. University faculty nominate students to attend the two-day conference. Thomas was one of the two Michigan State University students to attend.

“It is so important to have a good relationship with your professors,” Thomas said. “Dr. Holtz is like a mentor to me and gave me this opportunity I will never forget. I have learned so much from her, including becoming a better writer.”

Experiencing the Agency Side of Advertising

The Multicultural Talent Pipeline features panels and networking opportunities with several advertising and marketing companies and firms. Thomas spoke with representatives from Facebook, Sabio, Entravision and so many more.

“The conference’s main objective was to discuss diversity within the advertising industry and to connect those with different backgrounds with companies,” Thomas said. “We want to break down the barriers of different cultures entering the workforce. I have always wanted to work in corporate, and it was interesting to hear from the agency side of advertising.”

The pipeline also enabled Thomas to experience NYC for the first time. She got the opportunity to tour a firm’s office to expand her knowledge of the agency side of advertising.

Networking Tips

Students should welcome any and all networking opportunities. Talk to as many people as you can before graduating. Doing so at the pipeline led Thomas to an internship betboom casino reviewopportunity thanks to the connections she made.

“I already had an internship lined up before the offer was given to me, but I now have that connection,” Thomas said. “Once I graduate, I have that relationship that could land me my first full-time job.”

Thomas utilized her networking tips that every student should consider.

“I think it’s important to talk to students and faculty; start it in the classroom,” Thomas said. “My connection with my professor got me the trip to NYC. Students are also entering the workforce that I am interested in. I now have that connection with the other pipeline students, which further down the road could lead to an opportunity.”

By Brooke Segal