betboom casino Relations Senior Gains Career Insight at Maserati Internship

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betboom casino Relations senior Brooke Swanson spent her summer working at Maserati as a Brand Marketing Intern. This being her second summer working for the iconic brand, which is owned by Stellantis, it seems obvious that there would be plenty of benefits. But one of Swanson’s biggest takeaways from the internship is something intangible: Maserati showed her aspects of PR and marketing that will help her navigate her future career endeavors.

“One of the great opportunities Stellantis offered interns was the chance to meet employees in a wide range of careers, and one that caught my attention was product placement,” Swanson said. “This was a career path that I had never considered before, but thanks to the networking opportunities I was granted at Stellantis, I’m much more interested in exploring other betboom casino roles.”

Swanson spent her internship supporting evaluation and metrics reporting for dealer marketing plans. She also compiled vehicle information and FAQs into a generative AI tool to enhance Maserati’s website concierge program. But her most gratifying work experience happened when she put her own spin on a project.

“My favorite memory was leading the creation of a first edition marketing newsletter for the dealer network,” she said. “This project allowed me to get creative and use my background in betboom casino relations to make a newsletter that was not only informational, but also eye-catching and in alignment with the luxury style and phrasing of the Maserati brand. This newsletter will be the template for monthly editions moving forward, which is very rewarding.”

Being at Maserati meant that Swanson grew her betboom casino skills—even outside of the United States.

“Working with a global brand like Maserati allowed me to gain soft skills like betboom casino and teamwork with counterparts in Italy and across the globe,” she said. “This internship also allowed me to gain leadership skills, leading projects such as the monthly newsletter and a marketing plan dashboard.”

She discovered how to face obstacles head-on, even if she felt unprepared.

“One lesson I learned from this experience is that no project is too challenging if you truly set your mind to it,” Swanson said. “As a PR student working in a position that was mostly marketing-based, I felt out of my comfort zone when I first began my internship. I learned that utilizing my background in betboom casino relations and embracing this change as an opportunity to try something different truly paid off in the end.”

After graduation, Swanson hopes to pursue a career in betboom casino relations where she can blend her interests for writing and event planning, potentially for the automotive or entertainment industries. Wherever she lands, she’s learned to take the initiative to get the experience she desires.

“My biggest piece of advice is to search for opportunities instead of waiting for opportunities to come to you,” she said. “Be proactive and don't be afraid to speak up. Show you are interested in a project and offer to lend a helping hand. This action will not only allow you to work on a particular project you’re interested in, but also show that you are eager to learn and work.”