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Greg Taucher Discusses the Meaning of Leadership and Receives Hopp Faculty Fellow Award 

In Scrabble, words are given power through the amount of points that rack up letter by letter. In the eyes of Greg Taucher, professor of practice in the Department of Advertising and Public Relations and academic specialist, there is a sixteen point word everyone can take advantage of--leadership.

Leadership in Everyday Spaces

On Sept. 25, Taucher gave a keynote speech on the power of leadership and how it is applicable to everyone in relation to his acceptance of the inaugural Hopp Faculty Fellow Award. 

Taucher discussed many facets of leadership and what it means. In particular, betboom sports bettinghe found one idea that stuck with him during his years working with advertising officials. Leadership runs through everything, but what stands out is drive and growth.

“It's strategies — the insights, the ideas, the technology of the innovation, the in-market activation, the post-mortem runs about this — that we need to get focused on growth. And this is the platform [where] we, both present and future practitioners, can make a difference in the industry.” said Taucher.

Taucher stated that leadership isn’t limited to the spheres of management.

“Leadership is a change in perspective. It’s being brave, not perfect. It’s curiosity, it’s initiative, it’s cross trained, it’s getting to the insights and seeing the seams. It’s where you can take the client’s business and where you can go yourself. The really important part of all this is where you can add value,” said Taucher.
He stressed the importance of individuality and using leadership to move outside of your comfort zone, while continuing this consistent growth. His advice applied not only to students, faculty, or alumni, but to everyone.

“I firmly believe that one should never underestimate the power of this sixteen point word, leadership, when it’s coupled with the tenacity and conviction of an individual who believes that nothing can keep them from success and growth.” said Taucher.

The Hopp Faculty Fellow Award

 Preceding the speech, Taucher received the inaugural Hopp Faculty Fellow Award for his display of excellence, achievement, and direction as a professor of practice, qualities championed by MSU alumni Anthony Hopp.

Faculty members from across the College of Communication Arts and betboom dachaSciences, as well as Dean Prabu David attended the ceremony and keynote speech. Hopp, along with the dean and Teresa Mastin, Ph. D., ComArtSci chairperson, presented the award to Taucher.

“On this campus, we already recognize faculty who do research very well,” said David. “But there is another group of faculty who make a big difference for us. These are faculty who teach predominantly our undergraduate students, faculty who come with great, rich, vast resources, experiences in their professions — and we need them.”

Taucher received his Master’s in Integrated Marketing Communications at Northwestern University and his Bachelor of Science in Marketing and Advertising from the University of Utah. He possesses years of marketing experience, having previously worked for a worldwide marketing communications network, DDB Worldwide Communications Group Inc. (DDB).

“I always wanted to teach college after I retired. This was something I had in my mind years ago, and here I am--loving it,” said Taucher.

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By John Castro