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This winter Phil Bertolini, Senior Vice President of events at e.Republic, sat down with Merri Jo Bales to talk about his knowledge of government technology, managing people, and how important clear communications in his field is. 

Bertolini is a vocal advocate for enterprise solutions in government, cross-boundary resource sharing, and inter-jurisdictional cooperation.

He has directed the development of unique sustainable government technology programs and created models that can be implemented by other governments interested in improving operations while containing costs.

Bertolini has traveled extensively to speak about eGovernment best practices and has authored a growing collection of resources to help other organizations modernize IT within today’s rapidly changing technology landscape.

The Three Key Principles:

  1. betboom teamThose who have a communications degree, or communication experience, know that you use that skillsets every single day.
  2. Organizations need to make sure their goals, or their “why” is understood by the whole company. This becomes the backbone for people’s day to day motivation and the organization’s success.
  3. Picking and growing the right team is the most challenging, but most rewarding part of leadership. It takes time, dedication and most importantly, heart.

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