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COM 100 - Human Communication

Process and functions of communication. Principles underlying communication behavior. Practice in analyzing communication situations and in speaking and writing.

Learn about intercultural communication and conflict management across cultures

COM 240 - Introduction to Organizational Communication

Theories, systems, structures and processes of organizational communication. Organizational cultures. Communication in multinational organizations and in individual, leadership, supervisor-subordinate and small group situations.

COM 275 - Effects of Mass Communication

Major social effects of mass media on audience betboom dacha dubaibehavior. Political communication. Media effects on children. Message strategies producing attitude change. Interrelationships between mass media and interpersonal communication.

Learn about representation in mass media in terms of race, ethnicity, gender identity, and sexual orientation and the various consequences of representation

COM 310 - Intercultural Communication

How two or more people from different cultures or ethnic and racial groups use psychological, communicative, relational, nonverbal, contextual, and discourse strategies to conduct their relationships focusing on how miscommunication occurs and how people learn to be interculturally competent.

COM 325 - Interpersonal Conflict

Theories, processes and models of interpersonal influence and conflict. Topics include conflict resolution, persuasion, and compliance-gaining.

COM 360 - Advanced Sales Communication

Need-based selling and leadership role in meeting client needs. Advanced methods of questioning, customer need analysis, negotiation, effective presentations and interpersonal communication relationships with clients. Sales role-playing presentations, business and technical writing, portfolio presentations, and case studies.

Diversity equity and inclusion in the workplace (race, ethnicity, gender)

COM 375 - Audience Response to Media Entertainment

Theory and research on audience responses to media entertainment. Models of audience responses, reactions to violence in media, and children and the media.

COM 399 - Special Topics in Communication

Contemporary issues in communication.

COM 401 - Advanced Topics in Communication

Exploring vital social, health, and political issues through communication research design.

Learn about misinformation and the impact of false betboom sports bettingclaims on discriminatory preferences

COM 425 - Communication in Close Relationships

In-depth treatment of current research and of theoretical and methodological issues.

Learn about co-cultural theory, stigma, micro- and macro-aggressions, and communicating across different identities

COM 440 - Organizational Communication Structure

Systems approaches to information processing and communication structures in organizations.

COM 815 - Organizational Communication

Emphasis on dyadic and group processes and organizational intervention strategies. Topics include managing diversity, organizational structure, and communication productivity.

CAS 826 - Health Communication for Diverse Populations

Theory, research, and practice of communicating with specialized populations in clinical and public health contexts. Emphasis on interpersonal and small-group strategies.

COM 892 - Special Topics

Varied topics pertaining to advanced study of communication processes.

Learn about misinformation and disinformation campaigns that actively target minority groups and how those campaigns contribute to disenfranchisement.