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The College of Communication Arts and Sciences supports the federal requirements for training set forth in the Competes Act and by the Graduate School which teaches the responsible conduct in research, scholarship, and creative activities which is fundamental to the integrity of every graduate program. As a graduate student you will be required to complete the appropriate training. Please select the appropriate program below.

You can find resources to help fulfill these requirements for:


If you are on funded research (e.g. research assistantship) follow instructions for “Funded Research”.

All students who receive payment to work on government sponsored research grants betboom casino reviewmust comply with a set of federally mandated statutory requirements. Failure to comply will jeopardize both the student and faculty member’s eligibility for receiving future federal grants and could lead to the revocation of degree, loss of IRB status, destruction of data collected, and withdrawal of any publications resulting from data collected from the grant.

If you are participating in funded research please follow these requirements not that of your specific program.


  1. Complete the following 4 CITI modules, 1) Introduction to Responsible Conduct of Research, 2) Authorship, 3) Plagiarism, and 4) Research Misconduct, within 6 months of appointment. CITI Login & Instructions.
  2. Complete online HRPP/IRB Certification within in 6 months of appointment. (HRPP 1121A-SOC & HRPP 2241A-SOC)
  3. Complete 8 additional discussion-based training hours within 24 months of appointment. These workshops are offered by The Graduate School. Preregistration is required.
  4. Complete 3 additional hours of RCR training in each subsequent years until completion of grant-funded work.  This can be a combination of CITI modules and in-person discussion.


  1. Complete the following 4 CITI modules, 1) Introduction to Responsible Conduct of Research, 2) Authorship, 3) Plagiarism, and 4) Research Misconduct, within first year of student's program. CITI Login & Instructions.
  2. Complete online HRPP/IRB Certification. (HRPP1121A-SOC & HRPP2241A-SOC)
  3. Complete 6 discussion-based training hours (complete before finishing comprehensive examination and entering candidacy status). These workshops are offered by The Graduate School. Preregistration is required.
  4. Year 2 complete 3 additional CITI modules.
  5. Complete 3 additional hours of RCR training in Year 3 and each subsequent years until completion of degree.  This can be a combination of CITI modules and in-person discussion.


  1. Complete the following 4 CITI Modules, 1) Introduction to Responsible Conduct of Research, 2) Authorship, 3) Plagiarism, and 4) Research Misconduct, within first year of student's program. CITI login & instructions.
  2. Complete online HRPP/IRB Certification. (HRPP 1121A-SOC & HRPP 2241A-SOC)
  3. Complete 6 discussion-based training hours (complete before graduation). These workshops are offered by The Graduate School. Preregistration is required.
  4. Year 2 complete 3 additional CITI modules in any of the following areas: Collaborative Research, Conflicts of Interest, Data Management, Financial Responsibility, betboom casino reviewMentoring, Peer Review, or Rigor and Reproducibility. Due by the end of student's second year in the program.


  1. Complete the following 4 CITI modules, 1) Introduction to Responsible Conduct of Research, 2) Authorship, 3) Plagiarism, and 4) Research Misconduct, within first year of student's program. CITI Login & Instructions.
  2. Complete online HRPP/IRB Certification. (HRPP 1121A-SOC & HRPP 2241A-SOC)
  3. Complete 6 discussion-based training hours (complete before graduation). These workshops are offered by The Graduate School. Preregistration is required.


  1. Complete the following 4 CITI modules, 1) Introduction to Responsible Conduct of Research, 2) Authorship, 3) Plagiarism, and 4) Research Misconduct, within first year of student's program. CITI Login & Instructions.
  2. Complete online HRPP/IRB Certification. (HRPP 1121A-SOC & HRPP 2241A-SOC)