betboom team

We have included both regularly-offered courses and recent seminars that are relevant to Media Psychology.  As we understand it, there are plans for some of these seminars to become regular courses.  The degree to which the course touches on media psychology often depends on who is teaching the course.  

ADV 205:  Principles of Advertising
ADV 375:  Consumer Behavior
ADV 823:  Consumer Behavior
ADV 865:  Advertising & Society

CAS 825:  Mass Communication & Public Health
CAS 826:  Health Communication for Diverse Populations
CAS 892:  Special Topics:  Psychology and Effects of Social Media Use
CAS 892:  Special Topics:  Experimental Methods
CAS 992:  Doctoral Seminar: Media Psychology
CAS 992:  Doctoral Seminar:  Neurocognitive Communication

Com 275:  Effects of Mass Communication
Com 375: Audience Response to Media Entertainment
Com 399:  Communication & the Brain
Com 821:  Mass Communication Theory & Research
Com 921:  Micro and Macro Media

MI101:  Understanding Media & Information
MI401:  Media, Information, & Society: Avatar Use, Psychology and Significance
MI401:  Media, Information, & Society: Science Fiction and Communication Technology
MI960:  Media & Technology