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William Donohue


  • Communication
(517) 355-7580


Dr. William A. Donohue is currently a professor of Communication at Michigan State University. He received his Ph.D. from The Ohio State University in 1976. Dr. Donohue has published extensively in the areas of conflict, communication, negotiation and mediation while also conducting workshops and other intervention activities focusing on communication, leadership development, and conflict management. His co-authored book, Framing Matters: Perspectives on Negotiation Research and Practice in Communication, provides a broad understanding of the role of framing in negotiation research. Dr. Donohue is a recent past president of the International Association for Conflict Management and is on the editorial board of several major journals. 


Teaching Communication 100, Public Speaking and Communication 360, Sales Communication

Research and Teaching

Negotiation, conflict management, project evaluation

Project Title & Source

Consumer Preferences of Sustainable Packaging, School of Packaging

What are three things you want your students to know about you?

I am passionate about communication. I want to help students make great communication choices. betboom sports bettingI am very excited about Michigan State University.

Describe in one sentence what you hope your students learn from you, your scholarly work or teaching

I hope students learn how to think strategically about their communication choices.

Describe yourself in five words or less.

Fun, interesting, passionate, caring.

Contact Information

404 Wilson Rd., Room 563
Communication Arts and Sciences Building
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824