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Hee Rin Lee

Assistant Professor

  • Media & Information


Dr. Hee Rin Lee is a researcher in the field of Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). Her work addresses problems beyond the efficiency and functionality that are often prioritized in the advancement of robotics. She designs and evaluates robots for social good with the aim of empowering socially marginalized groups, including people from lower socioeconomic backgrounds, and older adults. This work will strengthen the autonomy of marginalized people in society to bring about positive social change. Her research has yielded best paper nominations at the premier Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) conferences including HRI, UbiComp, CSCW, and CHI. She has served on technical program committees for ACM/IEEE HRI and the ACM Participatory Design Conference. Lee received a Ph.D. in Informatics betboom dacha dubaiand Computing from Indiana University and M.S. in Digital Media from Georgia Tech. She was a postdoctoral researcher of Computer Science and Engineering at UC San Diego.

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