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David Regan


  • Advertising + Public Relations
(517) 353-8606


David Regan is an instructor who has taught undergraduate and graduate students in advertising related courses. Regan has taught Advertising Campaigns, Copywriting, Layout and Design, Direct Response Advertising and Portfolio Development courses. He has also taught a Marketing Management course at the University of Michigan Ross School of Business in the grad program as well as teaching design courses at the College for Creative Studies in Detroit.

He is the faculty advisor for the American Advertising Federation National Student Competition and has been the advisor on the MSU Advertising Association. Regan has also worked in collaboration with other MSU schools (Business, Packaging, Engineering, Arts & Letters) on a new project called Multi-College Client Alliance Teams that take students from the varied colleges to form diverse student agency teams to work with real clients from industry on real projects.

Before joining MSU in 1995 as a part time instructor Mr. Regan worked full time at the global ad agency giant of J. Walter Thompson, he has enjoyed working for a variety of agencies throughout his nearly 20 year ad agency career. The client categories of experiences range from automotive, retail, food, technology, health care, insurance and banking. A partial client list is General Motors, Black & Decker, betboom sports bettingGillette, A & W Restaurants, Harley-Davidson, State Farm, Caterpillar, Windsor Foods, 3M, Heinz, Ford (Regional, National and International), White Castle, HAP Health care, Republic Banks to name a few of the diverse areas worked in.

Contact Information

404 Wilson Rd, Room
Communication Arts and Sciences Building
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824