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Allison Siarto


  • Advertising + Public Relations
(517) 355-2314


Allie Siarto teaches Monitoring and Measuring Social Media for Business through the New Media Driver’s License program. She leads social media monitoring and research for Loudpixel, a company she co-founded in 2009, with a focus on understanding social media context, sentiment and trends in order to drive business decisions.

Siarto has launched monitoring programs and executed social research across a variety of industries, including brands such as HP, Disney, Wrigley, P.F. Change’s, Charles Schwab, Radio Flyer, MINI USA, Toyota and OPTIMA. Before co-founding Loudpixel, Siarto was a part of the global social media training program for Edelman Public Relations, creating social media training for 3,500 global PR practitioners.

Siarto’s work has been published in Forbes, PC World, The Washington Post, Upstart Business Journal, Yahoo! Small Business Advisor, MSN, VentureBeat and Under 30 CEO. She is the co-author of the book The Social Current: Monitoring and Analyzing Conversations in Social Media.

Courses ADV 492: Monitoring and Measuring Social Media for Business

What are three things you want your students to know about you? I graduated from Michigan State with degrees in advertising and telecommunications. I started my business, Loudpixel, when I was 24.

betboom casino reviewFavorite Quotation ""Kids will take a chance. If they don’t know, they’ll have a go. They’re not afraid to be wrong. If you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original."" -Sir Ken Robinson

Describe in one sentence what you hope your students learn from you, your scholarly work or teaching Students will learn how to turn social media conversation trends into insights and action in a business setting.

Describe yourself in five words or less. Entrepreneur and researcher

Related Work

Contact Information

404 Wilson Rd, Room
Communication Arts and Sciences Building
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824