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Dayeoun Jang

PhD Student

  • Media & Information


Dayeoun Jang is a doctoral student in the Department of Media & Information. She is interested in exploring the relationship between technology and human; mainly, how technology mediates people's behaviors, and how people interact with new technologies, such as VR/AR, games, etc. Her research domain is also related to social science based on a data-centered perspective using machine learning algorithms. 

Dayeoun received her M.A. in Advertising and Public Relations and B.A. in Advertising at Hanyang University in the Republic of Korea. Before she pursued her degree, she was a co-founder and marketing director of a startup company making immersive VR gaming controllers. 

Related Work

  • Jang, D., and Lee, B. (2021, November). When Machine Learning Meets Social Science: A Comparative Study of Ordinary Least Square, Stochastic Gradient Descent, and Support Vector Regression for Exploring the Determinants of Behavioral Intentions to Tuberculosis screening. Paper presented at 2021 Fall Conference of the Korea Health Communication Association. Seoul, Republic of Korea.
  • Jang, D., and Gwon, N. (2021, January). Agenda Setting Effects of Trending Topics. Paper presented at Symposium for Graduate students of College of Communication. Transited to Virtual Conference.
  • betboom teamLee, B., Kim, J., Kim, J., Jang, D., Gwon, N. (2020). Current Status and Problems of Statistical Analysis in Communication Research: Content Analysis of Studies in the Korean Journal of Journalism & Communication Studies over the Past 10 Years. Korean Journal of Journalism & Communication Studies, 64(5), 118-152. 
  • betboom teamLee, B., Kim, J., Kim, J., Jang, D., Gwon, N. (2020, June). Trends and Challenges of Statistical Analysis in Communication Research: Content Analysis of Papers in the Korean Journal of Journalism & Communication Studies over the Past 10 Years. Paper presented at 2020 Spring Conference of the Korean Society for Journalism & Communication Studies. Daegu, Republic of Korea.

Related Work

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