betboom dacha

Rui (Cara) Zhu

Ph.D. Student

  • Communication


Cara Zhu is a second-year doctoral student at the Department of Communication. She earned her M.Sc. in AI and Digital Media from Hong Kong Baptist University and her B.L. in Ethnology from Southwest University in China.

Research and Teaching

Cara's research centers on the impact of communication technology on human interaction. Her current focus is on understanding how generative AI affects interpersonal communication, such as its influence on online impression formation.

Her research interests also extend to the domain of human-machine communication. Before joining Michigan State University, Cara participated in several research projects related to social media, journalism, and public health. Her work received an award from ICA in 2023.

Related Work

Recent Publications

Hu, J. M., Zhu, R., & Zhang, Y. (2024). Does online dating make relationships more successful? Replication and extension of a previous study. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking. Advance Online Publication

Zhu, R., & Zhang, X. (2023). Public sector’s misinformation debunking during the public health campaign: A case of Hong Kong. Health Promotion International, 38(3), daad053.

Zhang, X., Zhu, R., Chen, L., Zhang, Z., & Chen, M. (2022). News from Messenger? A Cross-National Comparative Study of News Media’s Audience Engagement Strategies via Facebook Messenger Chatbots. Digital Journalism, 1–20.

Zhang, X., & Zhu, R. (2022). Health Journalists’ Social Media Sourcing During the Early Outbreak of the Public Health EmergencyJournalism Practice, 1–21.

Zhang, X., & Zhu, R. (2022). How source-level and message-level factors influence journalists’ social media visibility during a public health crisisJournalism, 23(12), 2627–2645.

Contact Information

404 Wilson Road, Room 457