betboom dacha

Xuzhen Yang

Ph.D. Student

  • Communication


Xuzhen completed Master of Science of AI and Digital Media, and Bachelor of Science in Biology.

Before joining Michigan State, she worked as a digital journalist and data analyst and had research experiences in computational social science.

Research and Teaching

Xuzhen’s research centers on investigating how platform shape human engagement with public affair in the current information ecosystem. At the microlevel, she studied how message, media organization, and audience factors play in this process. And she is interested in applying language model to understand discussion quality and influence of persuasion on platform. At the macro level, she examines the discrepancies among multiple platforms and how users consume this universe of content.

To achieve these goals, she employs computational methods and large language models.

Related Work


Yang, T., Yang, X., Peng, Y. & Mukerjee, S., (2024, July). Partisan, Unreliable, Digital-Born, and Mass-Oriented Media are More Likely to Thrive on Social Media: A Comparison between Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and the Web. Paper presented at 74th Annual ICA Conference, Gold Coast, Australia. Political Communication Division. * Top Faculty Paper Award

Yang, X. (2023, July) The objectifying fitspiration on YouTube: an analysis betboom dachaof audience duplication networks and audience comments. Paper presented at the annual conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR, 2023), Lyon, Paris (Virtual). Analysing Audiences, Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence Division.

Yang, X. (2022, November) The Objectified Fitspiration: Evidence from the Content and Audience Duplication Networks of Fitspiration Channels on YouTube. Paper presented at the Computational Communication Research Association 2022 Annual Conference, Nanjing, China. Social and Semantic Network Division. * Third Prize of Student Paper

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