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Phil Bertolini, Vice President, Center for Digital Government, e.Republic
Wed, Jun 08, 2022   12:00 PM ‐ 1:00 PM

The MSU StratCom Program presents Level Up: A Professional Development Series. These free events will feature industry leaders who will be sharing insights and lessons learned, as well as offer practical tips to implement in work and life. The format will be interactive with a presentation, interview and live Q&A. Level Up will be hosted by Merri Jo Bales, Vice President and Strategic Director of University Communications for MSU. 

Phil Bertolini is the Vice President of the Center for Digital Republic (e.Republic), a national research and advisory institute on information technology policies and best practices in state and local government. Previously, he served as deputy county executive and CIO for Oakland County, Michigan.

During his 31-year tenure, Phil built a world-class IT organization in the second-largest county in Michigan, just north betboom teamof Detroit. As Oakland County CIO, he oversaw more than 150 employees serving over 1.2 million residents. In 2005, he was also promoted to deputy county executive, holding dual positions until his retirement.

Phil will present live on Zoom. 

After Phil presents, there will be time for a live Q&A as well as a follow up resource you can use to process and implement the principles from his presentation.