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Alexopoulos, C. Dorrance Hall, E., & Huang-Isherwood, K. (2022). A few strings attached: Face management strategies for escalating casual sexual relationships. Communication Reports. Advance online publication.

Amon-Tanoh, MA; Lapinski, M.K.; Nguipdop Djomo, P; McCambridge, J; Cousens, S. (2022). Handwashing norms scale development in low-income urban setting in Abidjan, Côte D'Ivoire. British Medical Journal Open,12, e048929. 

Anderson, J., Lapinski, M., Turner, M., Peng, T. Q., & Schmaelzle, R. (2022). Speaking of values: Value-expressive communication and exercise intentions. Health Communication, 37(10), 1285-1294. (SSCI Journal, Q2 in Communication)

Bente, G., Kryston, K., Jahn, N., & Schmaelzle, R. (2022). Building blocks of suspense: subjective and physiological effects of narrative content and film music. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 9, 1-13.

Bergan, D. E. (2022). The continued relevance of mass media in campaigns: A Critical review and research agenda. In Newman, B. I. & Newman, T. (Eds.), A Research Agenda for Political Marketing (pp. 143-156). Elgar.

Bergan, D. E., & Newman, B. I. (Eds.). (2022). The 2020 US Presidential Election: Democratic Norms and Group Perceptions. Routledge

Bergan, D. E., Carnahan, D., Lajevardi, N., Medeiros, M., Reckhow, S., & Thorson, K. (2022). Promoting the youth vote: The role of informational cues and social pressure. Political Behavior, 1-21.

Bergan, D. E., Lapinski, M.K., & Turner, S. (2022). Do populists really reject expert judgment?: Expert consensus and support for Clean Water Act protections. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 34(2), edac016.

Bergan, D. E., Reynolds, R. & Totzkay, D. (2022). Inferential reasoning ability moderates the influence of mediated exemplars on risk perception. The Atlantic Journal of Communication.

Bergan, D. E., Rojas, A., Briggs, I., & Andersen, E. (2022). Framing and Policymaker Evaluations of the Opioid Crisis. Health Communication, 1-13

Cagri Yildrim-Toruner, Rajdeep Pooni, Y. Ingrid Goh, Emily Becker-Haimes, James W. Dearing, Maria E. Fernandez, Esi M. Morgan, Gareth Parry, Jon M. Brunham, Stacy P. Ardoin, Fatima Barbar-Smiley, Joyce C. Change, Peter Chiraseveenuprapund, Yukiko Kimura, Andrea M. Knight, Erica F. Lawson, Mindy S. Lo, Nancy Pan, Tova Ronis, Rebecca Sadun, Emily A. Smitherman, Alysha betboom casino reviewJ. Taxteer, Richard K. Vehe, Sheetal S. Vora, Jennifer E. Weiss, Emily von Scheven (2022), "Translating Research into Practice - Implementation Recommendations for Pediatric Pheumatology," Pediatric Rheumatology 20:10.

Carnahan, D., Ulusoy, E., Barry, R., McGraw, J.,Virtue, I. C., & Bergan, D. E. (2022). What should I believe? A conjoint analysis of the influence of message characteristics on belief in, perceived credibility of, and intent to share political posts. Journal of Communication, 72, 592-603

Carnahan, D., & Bergan, D. E. (2022). Correcting the misinformed: The effectiveness of factchecking messages in changing false beliefs. Political Communication, 39, 166-183.

Carnahan, D., Ahn, S., & Turner, M. M. (2022). The madness of misperceptions: Evaluating the ways anger contributes to misinformed beliefs. Journal of Communication.

Carnahan, D., Bergan, D. E., Ulusoy, E., Ahn, S., & Barry, R. C. (2022). Assessing the potential of partisan group in promoting accurate beliefs. Mass Communication and Society.

Chung, M., Jang, Y., Lapinski, M., Kerr, J., Zhao, J. H., Shupp, R., & Peng, T. Q. (2022). I do, therefore I think it is normal: The causal effects of behavior on descriptive norm formation and evolution. Social Influence, 17(1), 17-35. (SSCI Journal, Q4 in Social Psychology)

Danowski, J., van Klyton, A., Peng, T. Q., Ma, S. Y., Nkakleu, R., & Biboum, A. D. (2022). ICT development, interorganizational networks, and public sector corruption in Africa. Quality & Quantity. (SCI Journal, Q2 in Statistics & Probability)

Donohue, W.A. & Druckman, D. (2022). Perceptions of face threats in conflict. International Journal of Conflict Management, 33, 408-424.

Dorrance Hall., E., Wilcox, S., Holmstrom, A. J., McGraw, J., & Schmaelzle, R. (2021). Reactance to healthy eating and physical activity messages: Face threat and face management strategies in memorable daily conversations among couples. Advance online publication. Health Communication. 

Dorrance-Hall, E., Campbell, N., Carlisle, M., Lance, E., Ma, M., & Scharp, K.M. (2022). Development and validation of a family member marginalization measure (FM3 ): Difference, disapproval, and exclusion dimensions. Western Journal of Communication. Advance online publication. 

Dorrance-Hall, E., Earle, K., Silverstone, J., Immel, M., Carlisle, M., Campbell, N. (2022). Changes in family communication during the COVID-19 pandemic: The role of family communication patterns and relational distance. Communication Research Reports, 39(1), 56-67. 

Druckman, D., & Donohue, W. (2022). Working together: Bridging the researcher-practitioner gap. Negotiation and Conflict Management Research, 15(3), 

Ellithorpe, M. E., Ulusoy, E., Eden, A., Hahn, L., Yang, C. L., & Tucker, R. M. (2022). The complicated impact of media use before bed on sleep: Results from a combination of objective EEG sleep measurement and media diaries. Journal of Sleep Research, e13551. doi: 10.1111/jsr.13551

Ellithorpe, M., Takahashi, B., Zeldes, G., Dorrance-Hall, E., Chavez, M., Plasencia, J. (2022). Family and cultural perceptions about meat consumption among Hispanic and White adults in the United States. Ecology of Food and Nutrition, 61(3), 353-366.9

Ellithorpe, M., Zeldes, G., Dorrance Hall, E., Chavez, M., Takahashi, B., Bleakley, A., Plasencia, J. (2022). I’m lovin’ it: How fast food advertising betboom dachainfluences meat-eating preferences. Journal of Health Communication, 27(3), 141-151. 

Figueiredo, J.D., …Lapinski, M.K., et al., (2022). Mission, organization and future direction of the serological sciences network for COVID-19 (SeroNet) epidemiologic cohort studies. Open Forum Infectious Diseases, Volume 9, Issue 6, ofac171, 

Gettings, P. E., & Dorrance Hall, E. (2022). Further theorizing multilevel resilience: Women’s responses to marginalizing communication in the early stages of traditionally male careers. Western Journal of Communication. Advance online publication. 

Grady, S. M., Eden, A., Johnson, B. K., & Reinecke, L. (2022). Media use and avoidance experiences during social distancing. Technology, Mind, and Behavior. 3(1). 

Grady, S. M., Tamborini, R., Eden, A., & Van Der Heide, B. (2022). The social factors and functions of media use. Journal of Communication, 72(5), 523-539

Grady, S., Schmälzle, R., & Baldwin, J.A. (2022). Examining the relationship between story structure and audience response: How shared brain activity varies over the course of a narrative. Projections - Journal for Movies and Mind.

Grady, S.M., Tamborini, R., Eden, A., & Van Der Heide, B. (2022). The social factors and functions of media use. Journal of Communication, 72, 523-539. 

Grizzard, M., & Eden, A. (2022). The Character Engagement and Moral Adjustment Model (CEMAM): A Synthesis of More than Six Decades of Research. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 66(4), 698-722

Hofer, M., Birrer, A., Eden, A., & Seifert, A. (2022). Daily TV Use and Meaning in Life Among Older Adults: The Moderating Role of Selective and Compensatory TV Use. Mass Communication and Society, 1-22

Holmstrom, A. J., Hall, J., & Pennington, N. (2022). Thriving or struggling? Social energy expenditure and patterns of interaction during the COVID-19 pandemic. Communication Studies, 73(2), 101-118. 

Holtz, B. E., Mitchell, K. M., Hershey, D. D., Cotten, S.R., Holmstrom, A.J., Richman, J, Dunneback, J. K., & Wood, M. A. (2018). Using an mHealth app to transition care of Type1 diabetes from parents to teens: Protocol for a pilot study. JMIR Research Protocols, 7, e10803. 

Holtz, B., Mitchell, K., Holmstrom, A., Cotten, S., Dunneback, J., Jimenez Vega, J., Ellis, D., & Wood, M. (2022). The effect of a mHealth intervention for adolescents with T1D and their parents: A pilot randomized controlled trial. Advance online publication. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare. 

Jahn, N., Meshi, D., Bente, G., & Schmaelzle, R. (2022). Media neuroscience on a shoestring: Examining electrocortical responses to visual stimuli via mobile EEG. ournal of Media Psychology: Theories, Methods, and Applications. Advance online publication.

Kiskola, J., Rantasila, A., Olsson., T, Bente, G., & Surakka, V. (2022). Emotionally toned online discussions evoke subjectively experienced emotional responses. Journal of Media Psychology, Advance online publication.

Kranzler, E., Schmälzle, R., O’Donnell, M., Pei, R., & Falk, E. (2018). Adolescent neural responses to antismoking messages, perceived effectiveness, and sharing intention. Media Psychology, 22(2), 323-349. 

Kryston, K., & Eden, A. (2022). I like what you like: Social norms and media enjoyment. Mass Communication and Society, 25(5), 603-625

Kryston, K., Ulusoy, E., Grady, S. M., Johnson, B. K., Rosenbaum, J. E., & Eden, A. (2022). Seeking Spoilage: The Impact of content challenge, self-control, and traits on spoiler selection. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 1-24

Lee, J., Eden, A., Park, T., Ewoldsen, D. R., & Bente, G. (2022). Embodied motivation: spatial and temporal aspects of approach and avoidance in virtual reality. Media Psychology, 25(3), 387-410

Lee, S., Ma, S. Y., Meng, J., Zhuang, J., & Peng, T. Q. (2022). Detecting sentiment toward emerging infectious disease on social media: A validity evaluation of dictionary based sentiment analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(11), 6759. (SCI Journal, Q1 in Public, Environmental & Occupational Health)

Lim, S., & Schmälzle, R. (2022). Artificial intelligence for health message generation: Theory, method, and an empirical study using prompt engineering. arXiv, 2212.07507.

Ma, S., Bergan, D. E., Ahn, S., & Carnahan, D. (2022). Fact-checking as a deterrent? A conceptual replication of the influence of fact-checking on the sharing of misinformation by political elites. Human Communication Research.

Manata, B., Miller, V. D., Mollaoglu, S., & Garcia, A. J. (2022). Documenting the interactive effects of project manager and team-level communication behaviors in integrated project delivery (IPD) teams. Project Management Journal, 53, 33-48. 

Marin, J.R., Druckman, D., & Donohue, W.A. (2022). Lessons from practice: Extensions of current negotiation theory and research. Negotiation & Conflict Management Research, 15(3), 166-171.

Mason, A. J., Shebib, S. J., Boumis, J. K., Allard, A., Holmstrom, A. J., & Mazur, A. P. (2022). Seeing invisible support: Understanding provider motivation, intent, and enactment of support. Personal Relationships, 29, 581–598.

Mike Schmierbach, Maxwell McCombs, Sebastian Valenzuela, James W. Dearing, Lei Guo, Shanto Iyengar, Spiro Kiousis, Gerald M. Kosicki, Sharon Meraz, Dietram A. Scheufele, Elizabeth Stoycheff, Chris Vargo, David H. Weaver, Lars Willnat (2022), "Reflections on a Legacy: Thoughts from Scholars about Agenda-Setting Past and Future ". Mass Communication and Society 25(4):500-527.

Novotny, E., & Bente., G (2022). Identifying Signatures of Perceived Interpersonal Synchrony. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 46, 485-517.

Peng, T. Q., & Zhu, J. J. H. (2022). Competition, cooperation, and coexistence: An ecological approach to public agenda dynamics in the United States (1958-2020). Communication Research. (SSCI Journal, Q1 in Communication)

Pennington, N., Holmstrom, A. J., & Hall, J. (2022). The toll of technology while working from home during COVID-19. Communication Reports, 35, 25-37.

Rathjens, B., Van Der Heide, B., Pham, D., Earle, K., Ulusoy, E., Mason, A. J., Zhang, Y., & Bredland, A. (Online first: 2022). Negative online reviews and manager response: Applying expectancy disconfirmation theory in a CMC context. Communication Reports. 

Schmälzle, R. (2022). Theory and Method for studying how messages prompt shared brain responses along the sensation-to-cognition continuum. Communication Theory. 

Schmälzle, R., Wilcox, S., & Jahn, N. T. (2022). Identifying Moments of Peak Audience Engagement from Brain Responses During Story Listening. Communication Monographs. 

Sharabi, L.L. & Dorrance-Hall, E. (2022). Communication interdependence and cohabitation: The role of interpersonal technologies in satisfaction and disillusionment among couples in transition. Human Communication Research, 48(2), 292-319. 

Shin, S. Y., Lapinski, M., Hussain, S. A., Rumbold, Y., Osoro, R., Shell, D. & Dearing, J. W. (2022). A framework betboom dachafor introducing global health innovations to the U.S. Annals of Global Health, 88(1): 67, 1–11. DOI: 

Soo Yun Shin, Maria Lapinski, Syed Ali Hussain, Yvens Rumbold, Ruth Osoro, Donald Shell, James W. Dearing (2022), "A Framework betboom dachafor introducing global Health Innovations to the U.S." Annals of Global Health 88(1):67, 1-11.

Tan, Y., Peng. T. Q., & Chiang, Y. S. (2022). The Facebook networking among political candidates and its outcomes: An empirical study of the 2016 legislative election in Taiwan. Journal of Information Society. [in Chinese]

Tong, S. T., & Van Der Heide, B. (2022). Up to date: Communication and technology in romantic relationships. New York: Peter Lang. 

Turner, M. M., Choung, H., & *Bui, H. (2022). Communicating Commitment to Antibiotic Stewardship: An Effective Strategy for Responding to Online Patient Reviews, International Journal of Behavioral Medicine. doi: 10.1007/s12529-022-10102-9. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35618989.

Le, D., Ozbeki, H., Salazar, S., Berl, M., Turner, M.M., & Price, O.A. (2022). Improving African American women’s engagement in clinical research: A systematic review of barriers to clinical trials. Journal of the National Medical Association doi: 10.1016/j.jnma.2022.02.004.

Turner, M. M., Choung, H., *Bui, Q.H., *Beck, P. & *Ashraf, H. (2022). Reversing the Antibiotic Resistance "Yelp Effect" Through the Use of Emotionally Framed Responses to Negative Reviews of Providers: Questionnaire Study, Journal of Medical Internet Research, doi: 10.2196/preprints.26122.

Wang, Y. F., Peng, T. Q., Lu, H. H., Wang, H. R., Xie, X., Qu, H. M., & Wu, Y. C. (2022). Seek for success: A visualization approach for understanding the dynamics of academic careers. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 28(1), 475-485. (SCI Journal, Q1 in Computer Science, Software Engineering)

Yao, S.X., Ewoldsen, D.R., Ellithorpe, M.E., Van Der Heide, B., Rhodes, N. (2022). Gamer Girl vs. Girl Gamer: Stereotypical Gamer Traits Increase Men's Play Intention. Computers in Human Behavior, 131. 107217. DOI: 

Zhang, L., Li, Y. N., Peng, T. Q., & Wu, Y. (2022). Dynamics of the social construction of knowledge: An empirical study of Zhihu in China. EPJ Data Science. (SSCI Journal, Q1 in Social Science, Mathematical Methods)


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