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Bergan, D. E., Finerty, C., Harrison, J., Ma, S., & Virtue, I. (2023). Can people use party cues to assess policymaker positions? Ecological rationality and political heuristics. Political Research Quarterly, 76(3), 1502-1515 

Bergan, Daniel E., Dustin Carnahan, and Isabel Virtue. (2023) Political expertise, ecological rationality and party cues. Behavioral Public Policy: 1-20

Ahn, S., Bergan, D. E., Ma, S., & Carnahan, D. (2023). Estimating the impact of immediate versus delayed corrections on belief accuracy. Communication Monographs, 1-21

Bergan, D. E., Shulman, H. C., & Carnahan, D. (2023). Discounting constituent attitudes: motivated reasoning, ambiguity, and policymaker perceptions of constituent characteristics. Human Communication Research, 50(1), 53-65.

Ma, S., Bergan, D., Ahn, S., Carnahan, D., Gimby, N., McGraw, J., & Virtue, I. (2023). Fact-checking as a deterrent? A conceptual replication of the influence of fact-checking on the sharing of misinformation by political elites. Human Communication Research, 49(3), 321-338.

Carnahan, D., ^Ahn, S., & Turner, M. M. (2023). The madness of misperceptions: Evaluating the ways anger contributes to misinformed beliefs. Journal of Communication, 73, 60-72.

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Dorrance Hall, E., Sharabi, L.L., Roaché, D., James-Hawkins, L., Croft, A., Alexopoulos, C., Lamarche, V., Uhlich, M, Timmermans, E. (2023). Needing space during lockdown: A longitudinal test of relational turbulence theory in the context of conversations about physical and emotional space during the COVID-19 pandemic. Communication Research, 50(8), 943-964.

Dorrance-Hall, E. & Gettings, P. E. (2023). Resilience strategies buffer the negative associations between marginalizing communication and career outcomes for women in male-dominated workplaces. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 51(6), 640-661.

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Holmstrom, A. J., Dorrance-Hall, E., Wilcox, S., & Schmaelzle, R. (2023). Confirmation, disconfirmation, and communal coping for joint physical activity in romantic dyads. Health Communication. Advance online publication.

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Gong, X., Huskey, R., Eden, A., & Ulusoy, E. (2023). Computationally modeling mood management theory: A drift-diffusion model of people’s preferential choice for valence and arousal in media. Journal of Communication, 73(5). 

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Fisher, J.T., Hopp, F.R., & Weber, R. (2023). Cognitive and perceptual load have opposing effects on brain network efficiency and behavioral variability in ADHD. Network Neuroscience [IF: 4.7]. Published online ahead of print.

Fisher, J.T., Hopp, F.R., Chen, Y., & Weber, R. (2023). Uncovering the structure of media multitasking and attention problems with network analytic techniques. Computers in Human Behavior [IF: 9.9]. 147, 107829.

Hopp, F.R., Amir, O., Fisher, J.T., Grafton, S., Sinnott-Armstrong, W., & Weber, R. (2023). Moral foundations elicit shared and dissociable cortical activation modulated by political ideology. Nature Human Behavior [IF:29.9]. Published online ahead of print.

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Reynolds, R. M., Holmstrom, A. J., Shebib, S. J., Clare, D. D., Edwards, A. A. H., Mazur, A. P., Poland, T. L., Summers, M. E., Royer, H. R., Zhang, L. (2023). The impact of recipient effort on quality of esteem support. Advance online publication. Communication Studies.

Hall, J., Holmstrom, A. J., Pennington, N., Perrault, E., & Totzkay, D. (2023). Higher quality interactions can increase daily well-being. Advance online publication. Communication Research.

Holmstrom, A. J., & Lim, J. I. (2023). Responsiveness and esteem support. Current Opinion in Psychology, 52, 101591.

Holmstrom, A. J., Shebib, S. J., & Lim, J. I. (2023). Training versus responsiveness in supportive interactions employing confederates: A dynamic dyadic systems approach. Communication Methods & Measures, 17, 307-327.

Holmstrom, A.J., Lim, J. I., Zhang, Y. & Shelle, G. (2023). Factors influencing farmers’ ways of coping during the COVID-19 pandemic. Advance online publication. Journal of Agromedicine.

Chung, M., & Lapinski, M. K. (2023). Examining the moderating role of network density on the relationship between norms and behavioral intention in the context of unfriending. Asian Communication Research, 20(3), 125-145.

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Liao, W., Oh, Y. J., Zhang, J., & Feng, B. (2023). Conversational betboom sports bettingdynamics of joint attention and shared emotion predict outcomes in interpersonal influence situations: an interaction ritual perspective. Journal of Communication, jqad003.

Liao, W., Oh, Y. J., Feng, B., & Zhang, J. (2023). Understanding the Influence Discrepancy Between Human and Artificial Agent in Advice Interactions: The Role of Stereotypical Perception of Agency. Communication Research, 00936502221138427.

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Xu, Y., & Peng, T. Q. (2023). Ecological dynamics of audience growth in the digital media system: Findings from the longitudinal tracking data from 2019 to 2022. Human Communication Research.

Zhou, Y. X., Peng, T. Q., & Zhu, J. J. H. (2023). Will time matter with cognitive load and retention in online news consumption? Digital Journalism, 11(1), 181-202. (SSCI Journal, Q1 in Communication)

Yang, Y., Lin, C. A., Peng, T. Q., & Pierre, L. (2023). #MeToo: Intersecting gender, race, user identity, social judgment and social support. The Journal of Social Media in Society, 12(1), 348-370.

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Bente, G., Schmälzle, R., Jahn, N. T., & Schaaf, A. (2023). Measuring the effects of co-location on emotion perception in shared virtual environments: An Ecological Perspective. Frontiers in Virtual Reality, 9, 449.

Schmälzle, R., Lim, S., Cho, H. J., Wu, J., & Bente, G.. (2023). The VR Billboard Paradigm: Using VR and eye-tracking to examine the Exposure-Reception-Retention link in realistic communication environments. bioRxiv./PlosOne

Lim, S., & Schmälzle, R.. (2023). Artificial intelligence for health message generation: An empirical study using a large language model (LLM) and prompt engineering. Frontiers in Communication: Health Communication, 8(23)

Schmälzle, R., & Huskey, R. (2023). Integrating content analysis, reception analysis, and media effects studies. Frontiers in Psychology/Frontiers in Neuroscience.

Schmälzle, R., & Huskey, R. (2023). Skyhooks, Cranes, and the Construct Dump: A Comment on and Extension of Boster 2023. Asian Communication Research.

Schmälzle, R., Liu, H., Delle, F., Lewin, K., Jahn, N. T., Zhang, Y., Yoon, H., & Long, J. (2023). Moment-by-moment tracking of audience brain responses to an engaging public speech: Replicating the reverse-message engineering approach. Communication Monographs.

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Hahn, L., Tamborini, R., Aley, M., Baldwin, J., & Grady, S. (2023). Early adolescents can extract distinct moral lessons from narrative media content. Media Psychology, 

Shin, S.Y., Ulusoy, E., Earle, K., Bente. G., & Van Der Heide. B. (2023). The effects of self-viewing in video chat during interpersonal work conversations. Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, 28, 1-11. DOI:

Rathjens, B., Van Der Heide, B., Pham, D., Earle, K., Ulusoy, E., Mason, A. J., Zhang, Y., & Bredland, A. (2023). Negative online reviews and manager response: Applying expectancy disconfirmation theory in a CMC context. Communication Reports, 36, 110-122. DOI:

Bessarabova, E., Turner, M. M. & Richards, A. (2023). Anger, Efficacy, and Message Processing: A Test of the Anger Activism Model, Southern Communication Journal,

Turner, M. M., Jang, Y., Barry, R., Heo, R. J., Ye, Q., Hembroff, L. A., & Lim, J. (2023). The effects of moral norms and anticipated guilt on COVID-19 prevention behaviors. Current Psychology.


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