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Summer time for Leigh Fitzpatrick and Raquel Izzo will consist of writing press releases, developing social media promotions, event coordinating and more. The two Advertising seniors recently started betboom teamas Public Relations interns for Edge Partnerships in Lansing.

After just a few weeks on the job, both Fitzpatrick and Izzo expressed that they’re constantly learning and testing their ComArtSci educations every day.

"I have learned so much about writing and the way different businesses use social media," said Fitzpatrick. "I’m also learning a lot about the media and how different divisions work to cover a story."

Work experience means a lot for future growth and allows students to use the skills they’ve gained in their classes and extracurriculars in the real world. Both Fitzpatrick and Izzo explained that they have felt wholly prepared to succeed in their new positions.

"I think (ComArtSci), in general, prepares you for your professional life. Not only the course material, but how to read a situation and problem solve," said Fitzpatrick. "I have experienced a lot of ‘firsts’ in this position, but I feel fully capable to accomplish anything that’s thrown at me."

Izzo stated that the communication and writing skills that she has learned in her Advertising and Journalism classes have been especially useful to her position and working on tasks for clients. A few of Edge Partnerships clients that Izzo has been assisting are the Country Club of Lansing and the Michigan Press Association, particularly with their social media accounts.

"I am enjoying being able to make people happy. I like writing little reminders or little exciting things to keep people interested," said Izzo. "Soon I will be able to work on event(s) and I am really looking forward betboom dachato doing that. I want to be an event planner so being able to help and work on events will be right up my (alley)!"

As the summer continues, Fitzpatrick seems optimistic that her internship will further solidify the sense of belonging she feels in the Public Relations field.


"I enjoy that every day is different. I learn something new every time I walk into the office. I get to work with talented, smart people, who care about teaching me the importance of this business. I get to tell our clients stories and build their brands," she said. "Public relations is absolutely the place for me, and I’m thankful that Edge has given me the opportunity to grow as a young professional."