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With the Public Relations Minor you will gain a broad understanding of the role of public relations in contemporary society, as well as knowledge and experience in developing public relations materials for use in corporate, betboom teamgovernmental and nonprofit organizational settings through public relations courses.

Areas of focus include public relations and society, writing for the media, public relations techniques, research methods, campaigns and cases, public relations strategies, portfolio development and public relations ethics.


The minor in Public Relations, which is administered by the Department of Advertising and Public Relations, is available to students majoring in any bachelor's degree program at Michigan State University.

Students are eligible to apply for the minor if they:

  1. Are of sophomore standing or higher
  2. Have an overall grade-point average of 3.0
  3. Have successfully completed PR 260
  4. Have successfully completed PR 225 or JRN 200

Application Process

You must complete the prerequisite courses prior to applying to the minor. In addition to the prerequisite courses, you must have a minimum overall grade-point average of 3.0 and submit an application.

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis and reviewed every 30 days. If the number of applicants meeting the basic qualifications exceeds the number of spaces available, selection will include evaluation of an interest statement and academic performance in prerequisite classes. You will be notified of the decision prior to the end of the semester in which you apply.


Program Requirements

Once accepted to the minor, you will meet with your public relations advisor to plan future enrollment. With the approval of the department that administers your degree program, courses that are used to satisfy the requirements for the minor may also be used to satisfy the requirements for the bachelor's degree.

betboom dacha dubaiIn adherence to the required course sequence for the Public Relations Minor, please understand that if the minor in public relations is added after 56 credits, additional time may be required for completion. Overrides will not be granted to expedite this timeline, or to meet the individual needs of any applicant.


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Advisor Contact
Jennifer Chesney

Faculty Contact
Amanda Vasas
Public Relations Minor Director