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The impact of media and information systems on how we work, communicate, and even relax is profound. Our internationally know master’s program equips students to be leaders in their field. Students betboom dachawork closely with faculty and gain experience from classes that teach research methods and the skills that students need to succeed. Our focus areas include game studies, HCI/UX, and media policy. Students can participate in our game development and testing, labs that explore the impacts of virtual reality, research groups that explore the impacts of social media, and meet with scholars that are working on cutting edge issues. Please see our MediaInfo Gradstudies website for more details.

Degree Details

Our curriculum for the Master's Degree in Media and Information focuses on the design, management and use of information and communication technologies - as well as the consideration of its broader societal impacts. We offer an immersive, student-centered, hands-on approach to education that will prepare you to use state-of-the-art tools and develop the skills needed to propel your career forward in the fields of media and information.

This residential program entitles international students to F1 visas, our STEM designation allows students to apply for an OPT as they finish to gain more experience in their field. Our classification is “Digital Communications and Multi-Media” 0.90702.

The Media & Information program is structured to be highly customizable, providing students with the opportunity to advance their current skills, move into new areas and collaborate with others within the program, each of which brings their betboom dacha dubaiown expertise to the table. Our classes provide real-world experiences and focus on human-centered practices, methods and theories. Our program is 30 credits, with 9 credit hours a semester being full time. Most of our students finish in three semesters, depending on it they take more time to do an internship or an in-depth final project.  

betboom teamSerious Game Design MA Certificate

The program is designed to give game designers, business people, teachers and researchers graduate-level insight into serious game theories, serious game design and development and human-centered design.

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