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Faculty and Ph.D. Students Attend and Showcase Work at National Communication Association’s 105th Annual Convention

The National Communication Association held its 105th annual convention November 14-17, 2019, in Baltimore, Maryland. Michigan State had a large presence at the event, with over 50 people from ComArtSci presenting research on various topics, ranging from social media exclusion to social norms and identity. 

The theme for the event was “Communication for Survival.” Over the three-day period, national organizations and universities took to the convention in order to share pertinent research related to this overarching theme. The event attracts close to 5,000 people annually, presenting new research while holding presentations and discussions on hot topics. 

Communication Professor Mary Bresnahan's research team was awarded the Ralph Cooley Award for the overall top paper in the International and Intercultural Division at the NCA convention. The paper was entitled "Nostalgia Narratives: Can They Improve Attitudes toward Muslim Immigrants?"

More research showcased from ComArtSci included:

  • betboom casino review, by Dominik Neumann and Nancy Rhodes
  • Portrayals of Vaccines and Their Opposition in Entertainment Television: A Content Analysis, by Nikki McClaran and Nancy Rhodes
  • Testing the Dynamic Theory of Reasoned Action in a Health-Behavior Context: Evidence for a Reverse Causal Process, by Franklin Boster, Morgan Ellithorpe, David Ewoldsen, Sunyoung Park, Reed Reynolds and Nancy Rhodes
  • Embrace the Simulation: Exploring Complex Communications Phenomena with Agent-Based Modeling, by Qi Hao and Reed Reynolds
  • Women’s Understanding of Windows of Susceptibility and the Role of the Environment in Breast Cancer Risk, by Josie Boumis, Sunyoung Park, Kami Silk, Sandi Smith, Brandon David-Heath Thomas and Brandon Walling
  • Using Social Norms and Social Identity to Explain Media Selection and Enjoyment, by Allsion Eden, Kevin Kryston and Sunyoung Park
  • Ghostbusting the Gender Gap: The Effect of Social Norms and Social Referent Groups on Viewers’ Intention to Watch Entertainment, by Allison Eden, David Ewoldsen, Sara Grady, Kevin Kryston, Sunyoung Park, Neha Sethi and Ezgi Ulusoy
  • Linking Family Influence on Diet and Health Issues Through Meat-Centric Family and Cultural Food Beliefs, by Dilnora Azimova, Nicole Campbell, Manuel Chavez, Morgan Ellithorpe, Elizabeth Dorrance Hall, Mengyan Ma, Bruno Takahashi and Geri Zeldes
  • Using the Extended Parallel Process Model to Understand the Effects of Breast Density Notification Laws, by Brandon David-Heath Thomas and Kami Silk
  • Dude Looks Like a Lady: A Content Analysis on Gender Role Stereotypes Performed by Drag Queens on Rupaul’s Drag Race, by Melinda Aley and Brandon David-Heath Thomas
  • Assessing the Longitudinal Validity of the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, by Bree Holtz and Brandon David-Heath Thomas
  • What do Audiences Like? Narrative Enjoyment as the Satisfaction of Altruistic and Egoistic Character Motivations, by Melinda Aley, Joshua Baldwin, Henry Goble, Sara Grady, Kevin Kryston and Ron Tamborini
  • The “Alt-right-ernet”: Agenda Setting, Computer-Mediated Communication, and the Alternative Right Wing Movement, by Henry Goble
  • Using Moral Intuitions to Shape Attitudes: Conditioning through Media Exposure to Moral Exemplars, by Melinda Aley, Joshua Baldwin, Henry Goble, Sara Grady and Ron Tamborini
  • Online Communication: Are We Thriving, Hiding, or Simply Surviving, by Henry Goble
  • Developing Best Practices for the Implicit Measurements of Moral Foundation Salience, by Ron Tamborini
  • Is Communication Neuroscience Just Another Subfield in an Already Crowded Discipline, by Allison Eden, Clare Grall, Dar Meshi and Ralf Schmaelzle
  • The Relationship Between Collective Brain Dynamics and Audience Perceptions of Suspense in Response to Narrative Media, by Clare Grall, Nolan Jahn and Ralf Schmaelzle
  • Applying Facial Recognition Algorithms to Automatic Video-Based Content Analysis: Introduction of Method and Testing Internal Validity, by Joshua Baldwin and Ralf Schmaelzle
  • Here We Go Again: Investigating the Role of Familiarity on Enjoyment, Appreciation and Nostalgia in Music Mashups, by Joshua Baldwin, Allison Eden, Sara Grady and Ezgi Ulusoy
  • A Cross-Cultural Examination of Construal-Level Theory on Environmental Behaviors, by Ezgi Ulusoy
  • Surviving a Child’s Transition to College through Location Sharing and Social Media: A TMIM Approach to Understanding Parental Uncertainty and Information Seeking Behaviors, by Kelsey Earle and Elizabeth Hall
  • Exploring Communication Mechanisms that Explain the Associations Between Dual-Earner Couples’ Work-Family/Family-Work  Conflict and Relational Satisfaction, by Elizabeth Hall
  • Self-Disclosure Strategy and Interpersonal Response to Disclosure, by Brandon Walling
  • The Rate of Cognitive Vulnerability and Sensation-Seeking in Response to Risk Messages about Human-Shark Interaction, by Meredith Gore, Kate Grayson-Seed, Maria Lapinski, and Xiaodi Yan
  • Nostalgia Narratives: Can They Improve Attitudes Towards Muslim Immigrants, by Mary Bresnahan, Xiaodi Yan and Yi Zhu
  • Stigma Experience of International Teaching Assistants in a U.S University: English-Proficiency Determinism, by Mary Bresnahan and Yi Zhu
  • Gender Difference in Esteem Support: Examining Main and Interaction Effects, by Amanda Allard, Amanda Holmstrom, Adam Mason, Samantha Shebib and Lu Zhang
  • Reducing Uncertainty Observing Interactions Online: The Surrogacy Effect and the Role of Cue Diagnosticity, by Brandon Van Der Heide and Adam Mason
  • Beyond Stereotypes: Analyzing Gender and Cultural Differences in Noverbal Rapport, by Gary Bente and Eric Novotny
  • A Comparison in Verbal and Nonverbal Rapport-Building Techniques in Interviews, by Eric Novotny
  • The Survival of American Football: A Communication Analysis of the NFL Play Smart, Play Safe Campaign, by Hannah Cossmann
  • The Limits of Attention: Motivated Reasoning and Perceptions of Economic Growth, by Daniel Bergan
  • An Agent-Based Model of the Dynamic Theory of Reasoned Action, by Franklin Boster
  • Communication Still Matters: Top Management Openness and Employee Commitment, by Matthew St. Germain, Emma Kinney, Kenneth Levine and Vernon Miller
  • The Future as Seen Through the Lens of ATSC 3.0, by Kenneth Levine
  • Can We Predict Social Loafing? The Role of Group Size, Cohesion, Sex and Group Composition, by Kenneth Levine
  • Not Another Group Project: Relationship Among Ratings, Social Loafing and Group Cohesion, by Kenneth Levine

By John Castro