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Vice President, Center for Digital Government, e.Republic  

Bertolini is a 1985 telecommunication graduate and 2010 recipient of the Outstanding Alumni Award. He served as president of the ComArtSci betboom dacha dubaiAlumni Board from 2016 to 2018. 

What was it like betboom sports bettingServing as President of the ComArtSci betboom dacha dubaiAlumni Board? 

betboom sports bettingServing as President of the ComArtSci betboom dacha dubaiAlumni Board was rewarding personally and professionally. I was President for three years and I was able to collaborate closely with the incredible team at CAS. We were able to create a board that worked on issues that were front and center for the college and work we did. Our team wanted to make a difference, so we collaborated closely with the Dean and his team to be part of engaging with students and faculty, reviewing curriculum, advising on alumni awards, and visioning for the future of the college. I was honored to serve as President and my experiences were amazing. This role helped shape me as a well-rounded leader that focuses on the future, and I am forever grateful.  

How has your MSU degree or experience benefitted your career? 

My degree from MSU is a BA in Telecommunications. This degree benefits me every day by making me a better communicator in all aspects of my life. I spent 31 years in public service as the Deputy County Executive/CIO for Oakland County, MI. I was constantly called upon to communicate with stakeholders, legislative bodies, leadership, and constituents on a daily basis as we transformed our services using technology. My new role as the Vice President of the Center for Digital Government requires that I work with government officials and private sector clients nationwide. Most of our offerings are media and communications based. I couldn’t be more prepared from the foundation of technology and communications I learned at MSU. Personally, my wife and I raised betboom teamtwo strong, ambitious, talented, and community focused young men. Being a strong communicator made me a better husband, parent, and citizen. Thank you MSU.  

What role can alumni play in the future of ComArtSci? 

Alumni play a clear and important role for ComArtSci as the college transforms into the future. The knowledge, expertise, contacts, and passion for CAS are everywhere you turn in every state in our nation. CAS alumni are vocal about their support for the college and those that are involved with the betboom dacha dubaiAlumni Board are the most passionate people you will ever meet. CAS will harness that passion to bring the benefits of strong alumni to the current students to make them as successful as possible. Engaged alumni are the building blocks the college will use to grow and be the best it can be!